Tomas Pevny
Tomas Pevny
Artificial Intelligence Center, Czech Technical University in Prague
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Zitiert von
” Break our steganographic system”: the ins and outs of organizing BOSS
P Bas, T Filler, T Pevný
International workshop on information hiding, 59-70, 2011
Steganalysis by subtractive pixel adjacency matrix
T Pevný, P Bas, J Fridrich
Proceedings of the 11th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, 75-84, 2009
Using high-dimensional image models to perform highly undetectable steganography
T Pevný, T Filler, P Bas
Information Hiding: 12th International Conference, IH 2010, Calgary, AB …, 2010
Merging Markov and DCT features for multi-class JPEG steganalysis
T Pevny, J Fridrich
Security, steganography, and watermarking of multimedia contents IX 6505, 28-40, 2007
Statistically undetectable jpeg steganography: dead ends challenges, and opportunities
J Fridrich, T Pevný, J Kodovský
Proceedings of the 9th workshop on Multimedia & security, 3-14, 2007
Loda: Lightweight on-line detector of anomalies
T Pevný
Machine Learning 102, 275-304, 2016
Detection of double-compression in JPEG images for applications in steganography
T Pevny, J Fridrich
IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security 3 (2), 247-258, 2008
Moving steganography and steganalysis from the laboratory into the real world
AD Ker, P Bas, R Böhme, R Cogranne, S Craver, T Filler, J Fridrich, ...
Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia …, 2013
Illegitimate typosquatting detection with internet protocol information
M Grill, J Kohout, M Kopp, T Pevny
US Patent 10,491,614, 2019
From blind to quantitative steganalysis
T Pevny, J Fridrich, AD Ker
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 7 (2), 445-454, 2011
The square root law of steganographic capacity
AD Ker, T Pevný, J Kodovský, J Fridrich
Proceedings of the 10th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, 107-116, 2008
Modern steganalysis can detect YASS
J Kodovský, T Pevný, J Fridrich
Media Forensics and Security II 7541, 9-19, 2010
Classification with costly features using deep reinforcement learning
J Janisch, T Pevný, V Lisý
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 3959-3966, 2019
Multiclass detector of current steganographic methods for JPEG format
T Pevny, J Fridrich
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 3 (4), 635-650, 2008
Is ensemble classifier needed for steganalysis in high-dimensional feature spaces?
R Cogranne, V Sedighi, J Fridrich, T Pevný
2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS …, 2015
Benchmarking for steganography
T Pevný, J Fridrich
international workshop on information hiding, 251-267, 2008
Explaining network anomalies using decision trees
M Kopp, T Pevny
US Patent 10,230,747, 2019
Towards multi-class blind steganalyzer for JPEG images
T Pevný, J Fridrich
International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, 39-53, 2005
Multiple instance learning for malware classification
J Stiborek, T Pevný, M Rehák
Expert Systems with Applications 93, 346-357, 2018
The steganographer is the outlier: Realistic large-scale steganalysis
AD Ker, T Pevný
IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security 9 (9), 1424-1435, 2014
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