Alexander Phuk Tjilen
Alexander Phuk Tjilen
Universitas Musamus
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Konsep, Teori dan Teknik, Analisis Implementasi, Kebijakan Publik: Studi Implementasi Program Rencana Strategis Pembangunan Kampung
AP Tjilen
Nusamedia, 2019
Optimalisasi potensi desa wisata melalui manajemen pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan: Kontribusi bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal
AP Tjilen, RFY Waas, SW Ririhena, B Tambaip, S Syahruddin, ...
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia 2 (6), 38-49, 2023
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Local Community Economic Empowerment and Corporate Social Responsibility) (Teori, Konsep dan …
AP Tjilen
Deepublish, 2019
Optimizing Public Service Performance: Unleashing the Potential of Compassion as an Indicator of Public Service Motivation
B Tambaip, AFF Hadi, AP Tjilen, N Jalal
FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Management Letters 1 (2), 46-55, 2023
Participation in empowering women and the potential of the local community economy, a case study in Merauke Regency, Papua Province
AP Tjilen, HT Fitriani, AY Maturan, SW Ririhena, FY Manuhutu
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal Dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan …, 2019
Peran Fasilitas Kesehatan Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat
B Tambaip, AP Tjilen, Y Ohoiwutun
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik 14 (2), 189-196, 2023
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia” Teoritis dan Praktis”
DS Nazara, MM Se, SP Casriyanti, H Fauzi, E Trianto, ...
CV. Mitra Cendekia Media, 2023
Pengaruh Stres Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pegawai Badan Pusat Statistik
N Rahayaan, AP Tjilen, H Tambajong
Musamus Journal of Public Administration 2 (01), 1-13, 2019
Analisis Kebijakan Publik Dalam Derajat Kesehatan Di Papua
B Tambaip, AP Tjilen
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik 14 (1), 101-110, 2023
Local Community Empowerment in Implementation of Village Fund Program in District Naukenjerai of Merauke Regency
AP Tjilen, SW Ririhena, FY Manuhutu
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Lokal Dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan …, 2019
Ecotourism development policy, supporting capacity and development of sustainable tourism facilities and infrastructure in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province
AP Tjilen, W Sahetapy, B Tambaip, M Betaubun
International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC) 4 (03), 2022
Analysis of ecotourism, culture and local community empowerment: Case study of Wasur National Park-Indonesia
ICA Phoek, AP Tjilen, E Cahyono
Macro Management & Public Policies 3 (2), 7-13, 2021
The Influence of Environmental Performance, Environmental Costs, and Firm Size on Financial Performance with Corporate Social Responsibility as Intervening Variables (Empirical …
R Abdullah, D Mahmuda, E Malik, ET Pratiwi, M Rais, A Dja’Wa, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 343 (1), 012136, 2019
The coastal community development project (CCDP) environmentally sustainable empowerment model in District Merauke
AP Tjilen, SW Ririhena, L Antonio, YE Teturan, W Jeujanan
E3S Web of Conferences 73, 02016, 2018
Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan
B Tambaip, PA Moento, AP Tjilen
Societas: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Sosial 12 (1), 121-128, 2023
The Accountability of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Corporate Sustainability
PT Alexander, M Fenty, H Hubertus
E3S Web of Conferences 73, 10019, 2018
Implementation of the Economic Program Empowerment of Local Communities in Sota District, Merauke Sub District
EC Alexander Phuk Tjilen, Frans Papilaya
Review of Public Administration and Management 4 (3), 6, 2016
Membangun Karakter Positif dan Kepemimpinan Masyarakat Melalui Program Pemberdayaan di Merauke
S Syahruddin, B Tambaip, AP Tjilen, P Riyanto, N Jalal, PA Moento, ...
KALANDRA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (3), 95-105, 2023
Penguatan Masyarakat Melalui Pengorganisasian Dan Peningkatan Organisasi PKK Dalam Memanfaatkan Limbah Sawit
AP Tjilen, B Tambaip, RFY Waas, PA Moento, EN Purnama
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia 3 (2), 257-262, 2023
Border Area Security Policy in Geopolitical and Geostrategic Perspective
AP Tjilen, RL Lekatompessy
International Joined Conference on Social Science (ICSS 2021), 419-426, 2021
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Articles 1–20