Tobias Frank
Tobias Frank
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Femtosecond photo-switching of interface polaritons in black phosphorus heterostructures
MA Huber, F Mooshammer, M Plankl, L Viti, F Sandner, LZ Kastner, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 12 (3), 207-211, 2017
Excitonic valley effects in monolayer WS2 under high magnetic fields
G Plechinger, P Nagler, A Arora, A Granados del Águila, MV Ballottin, ...
Nano Letters 16 (12), 7899-7904, 2016
Theory of proximity-induced exchange coupling in graphene on hBN/(Co, Ni)
K Zollner, M Gmitra, T Frank, J Fabian
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155441, 2016
Quantum anomalous hall effects in graphene from proximity-induced uniform and staggered spin-orbit and exchange coupling
P Högl, T Frank, K Zollner, D Kochan, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical Review Letters 124 (13), 136403, 2020
Protected Pseudohelical Edge States in Z2 -Trivial Proximitized Graphene
T Frank, P Högl, M Gmitra, D Kochan, J Fabian
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 156402, 2018
Spin-orbit coupling in fluorinated graphene
S Irmer, T Frank, S Putz, M Gmitra, D Kochan, J Fabian
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115141, 2015
Excitonic Stark effect in monolayers
B Scharf, T Frank, M Gmitra, J Fabian, I Žutić, V Perebeinos
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245434, 2016
Theory of electronic and spin-orbit proximity effects in graphene on Cu (111)
T Frank, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Physical Review B 93 (15), 155142, 2016
Many-body quantum Monte Carlo study of 2D materials: cohesion and band gap in single-layer phosphorene
T Frank, R Derian, K Tokar, J Mitas, Lubos, Fabian, I Stich
Physical Review X 9, 011018, 2018
Copper adatoms on graphene: Theory of orbital and spin-orbital effects
T Frank, S Irmer, M Gmitra, D Kochan, J Fabian
Physical Review B 95 (3), 035402, 2017
Spin-orbit coupling in methyl functionalized graphene
K Zollner, T Frank, S Irmer, M Gmitra, D Kochan, J Fabian
Physical Review B 93 (4), 045423, 2016
Chiral Majorana fermions in graphene from proximity-induced superconductivity
P Högl, T Frank, D Kochan, M Gmitra, J Fabian
Phys. Rev. B 101, 245441, 2020
Landau levels in spin-orbit coupling proximitized graphene: bulk states
T Frank, J Fabian
Physical Review B 102, 165416, 2020
Emergence of radial Rashba spin-orbit fields in twisted van der Waals heterostructures
T Frank, PE Faria Junior, K Zollner, J Fabian
Physical Review B 109 (24), L241403, 2024
Interplay of boundary states of graphene nanoribbons with a Kondo impurity
S Karan, T Frank, T Preis, J Eroms, J Fabian, F Evers, J Repp
Physical Review B 105 (20), 205410, 2022
Edge states in proximitized graphene ribbons and flakes in a perpendicular magnetic field: Emergence of lone pseudohelical pairs and pure spin-current states
Y Zhumagulov, T Frank, J Fabian
Physical Review B 105 (20), 205134, 2022
Ab initio studies of extrinsic spin-orbit coupling effects in graphene and quantum Monte Carlo simulations of phosphorene
T Frank
Universität Regensburg, 2019
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Articles 1–17