Jens Lange
Jens Lange
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Karst water resources in a changing world: Review of hydrological modeling approaches
A Hartmann, N Goldscheider, T Wagener, J Lange, M Weiler
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 218-242, 2014
Mitigation of agricultural nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in artificial wetland ecosystems
C Gregoire, D Elsaesser, D Huguenot, J Lange, T Lebeau, A Merli, ...
Environmental Chemistry Letters 7, 205-231, 2009
Dynamics of transmission losses in a large arid stream channel
J Lange
Journal of Hydrology 306 (1-4), 112-126, 2005
Progress in the hydrologic simulation of time variant recharge areas of karst systems–Exemplified at a karst spring in Southern Spain
A Hartmann, JA Barberá, J Lange, B Andreo, M Weiler
Advances in Water Resources 54, 149-160, 2013
A noncalibrated rainfall‐runoff model for large, arid catchments
J Lange, C Leibundgut, N Greenbaum, AP Schick
Water Resources Research 35 (7), 2161-2172, 1999
Modeling spatiotemporal impacts of hydroclimatic extremes on groundwater recharge at a Mediterranean karst aquifer
A Hartmann, M Mudarra, B Andreo, A Marin, T Wagener, J Lange
Water Resources Research 50 (8), 6507-6521, 2014
Testing the realism of model structures to identify karst system processes using water quality and quantity signatures
A Hartmann, T Wagener, A Rimmer, J Lange, H Brielmann, M Weiler
Water Resources Research 49 (6), 3345-3358, 2013
Significance of preferential flow at the rock soil interface in a semi-arid karst environment
J Sohrt, F Ries, M Sauter, J Lange
Catena 123, 1-10, 2014
Risk of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of fast flow into aquifers
A Hartmann, S Jasechko, T Gleeson, Y Wada, B Andreo, JA Barberá, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (20), e2024492118, 2021
A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers
A Hartmann, J Lange, M Weiler, Y Arbel, N Greenbaum
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (7), 2219-2231, 2012
Runoff generation from successive simulated rainfalls on a rocky, semi‐arid, Mediterranean hillslope
J Lange, N Greenbaum, S Husary, M Ghanem, C Leibundgut, AP Schick
Hydrological Processes 17 (2), 279-296, 2003
A multi-model approach for improved simulations of future water availability at a large Eastern Mediterranean karst spring
A Hartmann, J Lange, ÀV Aguado, N Mizyed, G Smiatek, H Kunstmann
Journal of Hydrology 468, 130-138, 2012
Process-based karst modelling to relate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics to system properties
A Hartmann, M Weiler, T Wagener, J Lange, M Kralik, F Humer, N Mizyed, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 17 (8), 3305-3321, 2013
Recharge estimation and soil moisture dynamics in a Mediterranean, semi-arid karst region
F Ries, J Lange, S Schmidt, H Puhlmann, M Sauter
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (3), 1439-1456, 2015
Infiltration processes and flow rates in developed karst vadose zone using tracers in cave drips
Y Arbel, N Greenbaum, J Lange, M Inbar
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35 (14), 1682-1693, 2010
Entry of biocides and their transformation products into groundwater via urban stormwater infiltration systems
B Hensen, J Lange, N Jackisch, F Zieger, O Olsson, K Kümmerer
Water Research 144, 413-423, 2018
Multi-tracer experiments to characterise contaminant mitigation capacities for different types of artificial wetlands
J Lange, T Schuetz, C Gregoire, D Elsässer, R Schulz, E Passeport, ...
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 91 (7-8 …, 2011
Rainwater harvesting to alleviate water scarcity in dry conditions: A case study in Faria Catchment, Palestine
S Shadeed, J Lange
Water Science and Engineering 3 (2), 132-143, 2010
Identification of a karst system’s intrinsic hydrodynamic parameters: upscaling from single springs to the whole aquifer
A Hartmann, M Kralik, F Humer, J Lange, M Weiler
Environmental Earth Sciences 65, 2377-2389, 2012
Controls on runoff generation along a steep climatic gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean
F Ries, S Schmidt, M Sauter, J Lange
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 9, 18-33, 2017
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