Di Wang(王笛)
Di Wang(王笛)
確認したメール アドレス: xidian.edu.cn - ホームページ
Semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization via constraint propagation
D Wang, X Gao, X Wang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (1), 233-244, 2015
Semantic topic multimodal hashing for cross-media retrieval
D Wang, X Gao, X Wang, L He
Twenty-fourth international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2015
Label consistent matrix factorization hashing for large-scale cross-modal similarity search
D Wang, X Gao, X Wang, L He
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 41 (10), 2466 …, 2018
Robust and flexible discrete hashing for cross-modal similarity search
D Wang, Q Wang, X Gao
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 28 (10), 2703 …, 2017
Multimodal discriminative binary embedding for large-scale cross-modal retrieval
D Wang, X Gao, X Wang, L He, B Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (10), 4540-4554, 2016
Joint and individual matrix factorization hashing for large-scale cross-modal retrieval
D Wang, Q Wang, L He, X Gao, Y Tian
Pattern recognition 107, 107479, 2020
TETFN: A text enhanced transformer fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis
D Wang, X Guo, Y Tian, J Liu, LH He, X Luo
Pattern Recognition 136, 109259, 2023
Online collective matrix factorization hashing for large-scale cross-media retrieval
D Wang, Q Wang, Y An, X Gao, Y Tian
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
LPR-Net: Recognizing Chinese License Plate in Complex Environments
D Wang, Y Tian, W Geng, L Zhao, C Gong
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018
Pseudo-Label Guided Collective Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering
D Wang, S Han, Q Wang, L He, Y Tian, X Gao
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021
Cross-modal enhancement network for multimodal sentiment analysis
D Wang, S Liu, Q Wang, Y Tian, L He, X Gao
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 4909-4921, 2022
Hierarchical semantic structure preserving hashing for cross-modal retrieval
D Wang, C Zhang, Q Wang, Y Tian, L He, L Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 25, 1217-1229, 2022
Robust joint learning network: improved deep representation learning for person re-identification
Y Tian, Q Li, D Wang, B Wan
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018
Semi-supervised constraints preserving hashing
D Wang, X Gao, X Wang
Neurocomputing 167, 230-242, 2015
Mixing self-attention and convolution: A unified framework for multi-source remote sensing data classification
K Li, D Wang, X Wang, G Liu, Z Wu, Q Wang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023
Fast image quality assessment via supervised iterative quantization method
L He, D Wang, Q Liu, W Lu
Neurocomputing 212, 121-127, 2016
Dfer-net: Recognizing facial expression in the wild
Y Tian, M Li, D Wang
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2334-2338, 2021
Semi-paired and semi-supervised multimodal hashing via cross-modality label propagation
D Wang, B Shang, Q Wang, B Wan
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018
Bi-Attention enhanced representation learning for image-text matching
Y Tian, A Ding, D Wang, X Luo, B Wan, Y Wang
Pattern Recognition 140, 109548, 2023
Online adaptive supervised hashing for large-scale cross-modal retrieval
R Su, D Wang, Z Huang, Y Liu, Y An
IEEE Access 8, 206360-206370, 2020
論文 1–20