Carsten Gelhard
Carsten Gelhard
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Linking strategic flexibility and operational efficiency: The mediating role of ambidextrous operational capabilities
S Kortmann, C Gelhard, C Zimmermann, FT Piller
Journal of Operations Management 32 (7), 475-490, 2014
The role of organizational capabilities in achieving superior sustainability performance
C Gelhard, S von Delft
Journal of Business Research, 2016
IT infrastructure and competitive aggressiveness in explaining and predicting performance
A Ajamieh, J Benitez, J Braojos, C Gelhard
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Heterogeneity in dynamic capability configurations: Equifinality and strategic performance
C Gelhard, S von Delft, SP Gudergan
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Assessing statistical differences between parameters estimates in Partial Least Squares path modeling
M Rodríguez-Entrena, F Schuberth, C Gelhard
Quality & Quantity, 1-13, 2016
Introducing new products that affect consumer privacy: A mediation model
CL Miltgen, J Henseler, C Gelhard, A Popovič
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Leveraging global sources of knowledge for business model innovation
S Von Delft, S Kortmann, C Gelhard, N Pisani
Long range planning, 2018
In for a penny, in for a pound? Exploring mutual endorsement effects between celebrity CEOs and corporate brands
S Scheidt, C Gelhard, J Strotzer, J Henseler
Journal of Product & Brand Management 27 (2), 203-220, 2018
Simple and rapid quantification of gadolinium in urine and blood plasma samples by means of total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF)
L Telgmann, M Holtkamp, J Künnemeyer, C Gelhard, M Hartmann, ...
Metallomics 3 (10), 1035-1040, 2011
Business Chemistry: How to Build and Sustain Thriving Businesses in the Chemical Industry
J Leker, C Gelhard, S von Delft
Wiley-Blackwell, 2018
Von den Megatrends zum Geschäftserfolg: Was bedeuten Megatrends für das Management in der chemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie in Deutschland?
H Utikal, J Leker, S von Delft, C Gelhard, M Bäumler, I Herrmann, ...
Provadis Hochschule, 2015
A Backward and Forward Consideration of the External Value Co-creation Process: Performance Implications in the Short-and Long-term
C Gelhard
Co-creation across the Value Chain to Foster Reverse Innovation (WITHDRAWN)
C Gelhard, C Zimmermann, S Kortmann
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 17150, 2017
External Integration: Why, When, and How to Integrate Suppliers and Customers
C Gelhard, I Tiemann
Business Chemistry: How to Build and Sustain Thriving Businesses in the …, 2018
Co-Creation Across the Supply Chain to Foster Reverse Innovation
CV Gelhard, C Zimmermann, S Kortmann
Strategy Challenges in the 21st Century: Innovation Entrepreneurship and …, 2016
Boon or bane: how top manager brands spill over into company brands
S Scheidt, J Henseler, CV Gelhard, J Strotzer
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