Vibhav Bharadwaj
Vibhav Bharadwaj
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati
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Roadmap on all-optical processing
P Minzioni, C Lacava, T Tanabe, J Dong, X Hu, G Csaba, W Porod, ...
Journal of Optics 21 (6), 063001, 2019
Diamond photonics platform enabled by femtosecond laser writing
B Sotillo, V Bharadwaj, JP Hadden, M Sakakura, A Chiappini, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35566, 2016
Integrated waveguides and deterministically positioned nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond created by femtosecond laser writing
JP Hadden, V Bharadwaj, B Sotillo, S Rampini, R Osellame, JD Witmer, ...
Optics Letters 43 (15), 3586-3589, 2018
Femtosecond laser written photonic and microfluidic circuits in diamond
V Bharadwaj, O Jedrkiewicz, JP Hadden, B Sotillo, MR Vázquez, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 1 (2), 022001, 2019
Quantum Micro–Nano Devices Fabricated in Diamond by Femtosecond Laser and Ion Irradiation (Adv. Quantum Technol. 5‐6/2019)
SM Eaton, JP Hadden, V Bharadwaj, J Forneris, F Picollo, F Bosia, ...
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (5-6), 1970033, 2019
Femtosecond laser inscription of Bragg grating waveguides in bulk diamond
V Bharadwaj, A Courvoisier, TT Fernandez, R Ramponi, G Galzerano, ...
Optics letters 42 (17), 3451-3453, 2017
Visible to Infrared Diamond Photonics Enabled by Focused Femtosecond Laser Pulses
B Sotillo, V Bharadwaj, JP Hadden, S Rampini, A Chiappini, ...
Micromachines 8 (2), 60, 2017
Origin of femtosecond laser induced periodic nanostructure on diamond
A Abdelmalek, B Sotillo, Z Bedrane, V Bharadwaj, S Pietralunga, ...
AIP Advances 7 (10), 2017
Ablation of Copper Metal Films by Femtosecond Laser Multipulse Irradiation
A Abdelmalek, Z Bedrane, EH Amara, B Sotillo, V Bharadwaj, R Ramponi, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (10), 1826, 2018
Polarized micro-Raman studies of femtosecond laser written stress-induced optical waveguides in diamond
B Sotillo, A Chiappini, V Bharadwaj, JP Hadden, F Bosia, P Olivero, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (3), 031109, 2018
Optical NP problem solver on laser-written waveguide platform
MR Vázquez, V Bharadwaj, B Sotillo, SZA Lo, R Ramponi, NI Zheludev, ...
Optics Express 26 (2), 702-710, 2018
Laser-inscribed glass microfluidic device for non-mixing flow of miscible solvents
V Italia, AN Giakoumaki, S Bonfadini, V Bharadwaj, T Le Phu, SM Eaton, ...
Micromachines 10 (1), 23, 2018
Femtosecond laser written diamond waveguides: A step towards integrated photonics in the far infrared
V Bharadwaj, Y Wang, TT Fernandez, R Ramponi, SM Eaton, ...
Optical Materials 85, 183-185, 2018
Integrated Magnetometry Platform with Stackable Waveguide-Assisted Detection Channels for Sensing Arrays
M Hoese, MK Koch, V Bharadwaj, J Lang, JP Hadden, R Yoshizaki, ...
Physical Review Applied 15 (5), 054059, 2021
Chromium oxide formation on nanosecond and femtosecond laser irradiated thin chromium films
L Kotsedi, V Furlan, V Bharadwaj, K Kaviyarasu, B Sotillo, CB Mtshali, ...
Optical Materials 95, 109206, 2019
Quantum technologies in diamond enabled by laser processing
AN Giakoumaki, G Coccia, V Bharadwaj, JP Hadden, AJ Bennett, B Sotillo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 120 (2), 2022
Femtosecond laser inscription of nonlinear photonic circuits in Gallium Lanthanum Sulphide glass
MR Vázquez, B Sotillo, S Rampini, V Bharadwaj, B Gholipour, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 1 (1), 015006, 2018
Silicon microsphere whispering gallery modes excited by femtosecond-laser-inscribed glass waveguides
HO Çirkinoğlu, MM Bayer, US Gökay, A Serpengüzel, B Sotillo, ...
Applied Optics 57 (14), 3687-3692, 2018
Super-Poissonian Light Statistics from Individual Silicon Vacancy Centers Coupled to a Laser-Written Diamond Waveguide
MK Koch, M Hoese, V Bharadwaj, J Lang, JP Hadden, R Ramponi, ...
ACS Photonics, 2022
Femtosecond laser written diamond waveguide excitation of the whispering gallery modes in a silicon microsphere
HO Çirkinoğlu, MM Bayer, A Serpengüzel, S Rampini, B Sotillo, ...
Optical Materials 92, 418-424, 2019
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