Sebastian Stier
Sebastian Stier
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences & University of Mannheim
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Election Campaigning on Social Media: Politicians, Audiences, and the Mediation of Political Communication on Facebook and Twitter
S Stier, A Bleier, H Lietz, M Strohmaier
Political Communication 35 (1), 50-74, 2018
Political Astroturfing on Twitter: How to Coordinate a Disinformation Campaign
FB Keller, D Schoch, S Stier, JH Yang
Political Communication 37 (2), 256-280, 2020
Integrating survey data and digital trace data: key issues in developing an emerging field
S Stier, J Breuer, P Siegers, K Thorson
Social Science Computer Review 38 (5), 503-516, 2020
When populists become popular: comparing Facebook use by the right-wing movement Pegida and German political parties
S Stier, L Posch, A Bleier, M Strohmaier
Information, Communication & Society 20 (9), 1365-1388, 2017
How social network sites and other online intermediaries increase exposure to news
M Scharkow, F Mangold, S Stier, J Breuer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2761-2763, 2020
Political determinants of e-government performance revisited: Comparing democracies and autocracies
S Stier
Government Information Quarterly 32 (3), 270-278, 2015
Populist attitudes and selective exposure to online news: A cross-country analysis combining web tracking and surveys
S Stier, N Kirkizh, C Froio, R Schroeder
The International Journal of Press/Politics 25 (3), 426-446, 2020
Democracy, autocracy and the news: the impact of regime type on media freedom
S Stier
Democratization 22 (7), 1273-1295, 2015
How to manipulate social media: Analyzing political astroturfing using ground truth data from south korea
FB Keller, D Schoch, S Stier, JH Yang
Eleventh International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2017
Die Echokammer-Hypothese: Fragmentierung der Öffentlichkeit und politische Polarisierung durch digitale Medien?
JP Rau, S Stier
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 13 (3), 399-417, 2019
Digital Media and the Surge of Political Outsiders: Explaining the Success of Political Challengers in the United States, Germany, and China
A Jungherr, R Schroeder, S Stier
Social Media+ Society 5 (3), 2056305119875439, 2019
Of activists and gatekeepers: Temporal and structural properties of policy networks on Twitter
S Stier, WJ Schünemann, S Steiger
New Media & Society 20 (5), 1910-1930, 2018
Is there a link between climate change scepticism and populism? An analysis of web tracking and survey data from Europe and the US
P Yan, R Schroeder, S Stier
Information, Communication & Society 25 (10), 1400-1439, 2022
User-centric approaches for collecting Facebook data in the ‘post-API age’: Experiences from two studies and recommendations for future research
J Breuer, Z Kmetty, M Haim, S Stier
Information, Communication & Society 26 (14), 2649-2668, 2023
Post Post-Broadcast Democracy? News Exposure in the Age of Online Intermediaries
S Stier, F Mangold, M Scharkow, J Breuer
American Political Science Review 116 (2), 768-774, 2022
Internet diffusion and regime type: Temporal patterns in technology adoption
S Stier
Telecommunications Policy 41 (1), 25-34, 2017
Coordination patterns reveal online political astroturfing across the world
D Schoch, FB Keller, S Stier, JH Yang
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4572, 2022
Systematically Monitoring Social Media: the case of the German federal election 2017
S Stier, A Bleier, M Bonart, F Mörsheim, M Bohlouli, M Nizhegorodov, ...
DEU 2018, 25, 2018
Linking surveys and digital trace data: Insights from two studies on determinants of data sharing behaviour
H Silber, J Breuer, C Beuthner, T Gummer, F Keusch, P Siegers, S Stier, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 185 …, 2022
Twitter in the news: An analysis of embedded tweets in political news coverage
C Oschatz, S Stier, J Maier
Digital Journalism 10 (9), 1526-1545, 2022
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