Lucie Mahaut
Lucie Mahaut
post-doc researcher, Centre of Functional Ecology and Evolution
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Trade‐offs and synergies between ecosystem productivity and stability in temperate grasslands
L Mahaut, P Choler, P Denelle, E Garnier, W Thuiller, J Kattge, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 32 (4), 561-572, 2023
Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: Species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition
L Mahaut, F Fort, C Violle, GT Freschet
Functional Ecology 34 (1), 287-298, 2020
What makes a weed a weed? A large‐scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens
B Bourgeois, F Munoz, G Fried, L Mahaut, L Armengot, P Denelle, ...
American Journal of Botany 106 (1), 90-100, 2019
Functional traits modulate plant community responses to alien plant invasion
G Fried, M Carboni, L Mahaut, C Violle
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 37, 53-63, 2019
Weeds: against the rules?
L Mahaut, PO Cheptou, G Fried, F Munoz, J Storkey, F Vasseur, C Violle, ...
Trends in plant science 25 (11), 1107-1116, 2020
A functional diversity approach of crop sequences reveals that weed diversity and abundance show different responses to environmental variability
L Mahaut, S Gaba, G Fried
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (6), 1400-1409, 2019
Patch dynamics and temporal dispersal partly shape annual plant communities in ephemeral habitat patches
L Mahaut, G Fried, S Gaba
Oikos 127 (1), 147-159, 2018
Ecological specialization and rarity of arable weeds: insights from a comprehensive survey in France
F Munoz, G Fried, L Armengot, B Bourgeois, V Bretagnolle, J Chadoeuf, ...
Plants 9 (7), 824, 2020
The ecological causes of functional distinctiveness in communities
F Munoz, CA Klausmeier, P Gaüzère, G Kandlikar, E Litchman, ...
Ecology Letters 26 (8), 1452-1465, 2023
Crop diversity buffers the impact of droughts and high temperatures on food production
D Renard, L Mahaut, F Noack
Environmental Research Letters 18 (4), 045002, 2023
Complementary mechanisms stabilize national food production
L Mahaut, C Violle, D Renard
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 4922, 2021
Matches and mismatches between the global distribution of major food crops and climate suitability
L Mahaut, S Pironon, JY Barnagaud, F Bretagnolle, CK Khoury, Z Mehrabi, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1983), 20221542, 2022
Abiotic constraints and biotic resistance control the establishment success and abundance of invasive Humulus japonicus in riparian habitats
G Fried, L Mahaut, A Pinston, M Carboni
Biological invasions 20 (2), 315-331, 2018
Database of weeds in cultivation fields of France and UK, with ecological and biogeographical information
F Munoz, G Fried, L Armengot, B Bourgeois, V Bretagnolle, J Chadoeuf, ...
Beyond trait distances: Functional distinctiveness captures the outcome of plant competition
L Mahaut, C Violle, A Shihan, R Pélissier, JB Morel, F de Tombeur, ...
Functional Ecology 37 (9), 2399-2412, 2023
Growth–defence trade-off in rice: fast-growing and acquisitive genotypes have lower expression of genes involved in immunity
F de Tombeur, R Pélissier, A Shihan, K Rahajaharilaza, F Fort, L Mahaut, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (10), 3094-3103, 2023
Dynamiques temporelles de l'assemblage des communautés de plantes adventices: interactions entre pratiques agricoles et processus écologiques au cours des séquences culturales
L Mahaut
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018
Weed cohort succession as a main driver of weed diversity dynamic throughout winter cereal cropping season in both presence and absence of crop species
L Mahaut, R Perronne, G Fried, S Gaba
EASY Conference, Groupe «Ecologie & Agriculture» de la Société Française d …, 2017
Assessing the effect of herbicide on crop-weed interaction with weed-crop phylogenetic and functional similaries
L Mahaut, X Laviron, S Gaba, G Fried
Sfécologie-2016, International Conference of Ecological Sciences, np, 2016
Spatial and temporal presence of grasslands maintain local weed diversity thanks to spatio-temporal dispersal process
L Mahaut, B Bourgeois, G Fried, V Bretagnolle, F Bretagnolle, S Gaba
Seed Ecology V. Conference, 70, 2016
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