Michael Höhle
Michael Höhle
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Greifswald
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German outbreak of Escherichia coli O104: H4 associated with sprouts
U Buchholz, H Bernard, D Werber, MM Böhmer, C Remschmidt, H Wilking, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 365 (19), 1763-1770, 2011
Accuracy assessment of digital elevation models by means of robust statistical methods
J Höhle, M Höhle
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 64 (4), 398-406, 2009
A statistical framework for the analysis of multivariate infectious disease surveillance counts
L Held, M Höhle, M Hofmann
Statistical modelling 5 (3), 187-199, 2005
Large and ongoing outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, Germany, May 2011
C Frank, MS Faber, M Askar, H Bernard, A Fruth, A Gilsdorf, M Höhle, ...
Eurosurveillance 16 (21), 19878, 2011
Hepatitis E virus seroprevalence among adults, Germany
MS Faber, JJ Wenzel, W Jilg, M Thamm, M Höhle, K Stark
Emerging infectious diseases 18 (10), 1654, 2012
Spatio-temporal analysis of epidemic phenomena using the R package surveillance
S Meyer, L Held, M Höhle
Journal of Statistical Software 77 (11), 1-55, 2017
Large multistate outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis associated with frozen strawberries, Germany, 2012
H Bernard, M Faber, H Wilking, S Haller, M Höhle, A Schielke, ...
Eurosurveillance 19 (8), 2014
: An R package for the monitoring of infectious diseases
M Höhle
Computational Statistics 22 (4), 571-582, 2007
Monitoring count time series in R: Aberration detection in public health surveillance
S Maëlle, S Dirk, H Michael
Journal of Statistical Software 70 (10), 1–35, 2016
A space–time conditional intensity model for invasive meningococcal disease occurrence
S Meyer, J Elias, M Höhle
Biometrics 68 (2), 607-616, 2012
Update on the ongoing outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome due to Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotype O104, Germany, May 2011
M Askar, MS Faber, C Frank, H Bernard, A Gilsdorf, A Fruth, R Prager, ...
Eurosurveillance 16 (22), 2011
Bayesian nowcasting during the STEC O104: H4 outbreak in Germany, 2011
M Höhle, M an der Heiden
Biometrics 70 (4), 993-1002, 2014
A two-component model for counts of infectious diseases
L Held, M Hofmann, M Höhle, V Schmid
Biostatistics 7 (3), 422-437, 2006
Nowcasting the COVID‐19 pandemic in Bavaria
F Günther, A Bender, K Katz, H Küchenhoff, M Höhle
Biometrical Journal 63 (3), 490-502, 2021
Count data regression charts for the monitoring of surveillance time series
M Höhle, M Paul
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (9), 4357-4368, 2008
Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in Ixodes ricinus, Bavaria, Germany
C Silaghi, J Gilles, M Höhle, V Fingerle, FT Just, K Pfister
Emerging Infectious Diseases 14 (6), 972, 2008
Clinical aspects and self-reported symptoms of sequelae of Yersinia enterocolitica infections in a population-based study, Germany 2009–2010
BM Rosner, D Werber, M Höhle, K Stark
BMC infectious diseases 13, 1-8, 2013
Inference in disease transmission experiments by using stochastic epidemic models
M Höhle, E Jørgensen, PD O’Neill
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 54 (2 …, 2005
Risk factors for sporadic Yersinia enterocolitica infections, Germany 2009–2010
BM Rosner, K Stark, M Höhle, D Werber
Epidemiology & Infection 140 (10), 1738-1747, 2012
Model selection and parameter estimation for dynamic epidemic models via iterated filtering: application to rotavirus in Germany
T Stocks, T Britton, M Höhle
Biostatistics 21 (3), 400-416, 2020
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Articles 1–20