Ansgar Traechtler
Cited by
Cited by
Integrated vehicle dynamics control using active brake, steering and suspension systems
A Trachtler
International Journal of Vehicle Design 36 (1), 1-12, 2004
Vehicle to infrastructure based safe trajectory planning for Autonomous Intersection Management
C Wuthishuwong, A Traechtler
2013 13th international conference on ITS telecommunications (ITST), 175-180, 2013
Safe trajectory planning for autonomous intersection management by using vehicle to infrastructure communication
C Wuthishuwong, A Traechtler, T Bruns
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2015, 1-12, 2015
A multi-sensor induction flowmeter reducing errors due to non-axisymmetric flow profiles
B Horner, F Mesch, A Trächtler
Measurement Science and Technology 7 (3), 354, 1996
Coordination of multiple autonomous intersections by using local neighborhood information
C Wuthishuwong, A Traechtler
2013 international conference on connected vehicles and expo (ICCVE), 48-53, 2013
Method and device for identifying and eliminating the risk of rollover
A Traechtler, F Leibeling, M Metzger
US Patent 7,149,614, 2006
Method and device for identifying a rolling motion in a vehicle
A Traechtler
US Patent 6,600,974, 2003
Semantische technologien im entwurf mechatronischer systeme: Effektiver austausch von lösungswissen in branchenwertschöpfungsketten
J Gausemeier, A Trächtler, W Schäfer
Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG, 2014
Consensus-based local information coordination for the networked control of the autonomous intersection management
C Wuthishuwong, A Traechtler
Complex & Intelligent Systems 3 (1), 17-32, 2017
Discrete mechanics and optimal control and its application to a double pendulum on a cart
J Timmermann, S Khatab, S Ober-Blöbaum, A Trächtler
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 10199-10206, 2011
Integrierte Fahrdynamikregelung mit ESP, aktiver Lenkung und aktivem Fahrwerk (Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control Using Active Brake, Steering, and Suspension Systems)
A Trächtler
at-Automatisierungstechnik 53 (1), 11-19, 2005
Cooperative transportation of aload using nonholonomic mobile robots
CC Loh, A Traechtler
Procedia Engineering 41, 860-866, 2012
Migration from CAN to TTCAN for a Distributed Control System
A Albert, R Strasser, A Trächtler
9th international CAN in Automation Conference, iCC, Munich, 05, 2003
A reinforcement learning strategy for the swing-up of the double pendulum on a cart
M Hesse, J Timmermann, E Hüllermeier, A Trächtler
Procedia Manufacturing 24, 15-20, 2018
Vehicle dynamics management–benefits of integrated control of active brake, active steering and active suspension systems
A Verhagen, S Futterer, J Rupprecht, A Trächtler
Fisita, Barcelona, 2004
Observer-based nonlinear control strategies for Hardware-in-the-Loop simulations of multiaxial suspension test rigs
S Olma, A Kohlstedt, P Traphöner, KP Jäker, A Trächtler
Mechatronics 50, 212-224, 2018
Advanced traffic simulation framework for networked driving simulators
K Abdelgawad, S Henning, P Biemelt, S Gausemeier, A Trächtler
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (11), 101-108, 2016
Distributed control system architecture for balancing and stabilizing traffic in the network of multiple autonomous intersections using feedback consensus and route assignment …
C Wuthishuwong, A Traechtler
Complex & Intelligent Systems 6 (1), 165-187, 2020
Multiobjective optimization of control trajectories for the guidance of a rail-bound vehicle
MSJ Geisler, DMK Witting, A Trächtler, M Dellnitz
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 4380-4386, 2008
Model-based precision position and force control of SMA actuators with a clamping application
A Pai, M Riepold, A Trächtler
Mechatronics 50, 303-320, 2018
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Articles 1–20