Michael Aftosmis
Michael Aftosmis
NASA Ames Research Center
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Robust and efficient Cartesian mesh generation for component-based geometry
MJ Aftosmis, MJ Berger, JE Melton
AIAA journal 36 (6), 952-960, 1998
A parallel multilevel method for adaptively refined Cartesian grids with embedded boundaries
M Aftosmis, M Berger, G Adomavicius
38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 808, 2000
Analysis of slope limiters on irregular grids
M Berger, M Aftosmis, S Muman
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 490, 2005
Solution adaptive Cartesian grid methods for aerodynamic flows with complex geometries
MJ Aftosmis
VKI Lecture Series 2, 1997, 1997
Behavior of linear reconstruction techniques on unstructured meshes
M Aftosmis, D Gaitonde, TS Tavares
AIAA journal 33 (11), 2038-2049, 1995
Progress towards a Cartesian cut-cell method for viscous compressible flow
M Berger, M Aftosmis
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2012
Adjoint-based adaptive mesh refinement for complex geometries
M Nemec, M Aftosmis, M Wintzer
46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 725, 2008
Applications of space-filling-curves to cartesian methods for cfd
M Aftosmis, M Berger, S Murman
42nd AIAA aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 1232, 2004
3D applications of a Cartesian grid Euler method
J Melton, M Berger, M Aftosmis, M Wong
33rd aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 853, 1995
Simulations of 6-DOF motion with a Cartesian method
S Murman, M Aftosmis, M Berger
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1246, 2003
Adjoint error estimation and adaptive refinement for embedded-boundary Cartesian meshes
M Nemec, M Aftosmis
18th AIAA computational fluid dynamics conference, 4187, 2007
Adaptation and surface modeling for Cartesian mesh methods
M Aftosmis, J Melton, M Berger
12th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1725, 1995
Implicit approaches for moving boundaries in a 3-D Cartesian method
S Murman, M Aftosmis, M Berger
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 1119, 2003
On the accuracy, stability, and monotonicity of various reconstruction algorithms for unstructured meshes
M Aftosmis, D Gaitonde, TS Tavares
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1994
Multilevel error estimation and adaptive h-refinement for cartesian meshes with embedded boundaries
M Aftosmis, M Berger
40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, 863, 2002
Aspects (and aspect ratios) of Cartesian mesh methods
M Berger, M Aftosmis
Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics …, 1998
Adjoint-based adaptive mesh refinement for sonic boom prediction
M Wintzer, M Nemec, M Aftosmis
26th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 6593, 2008
Triangle geometry processing for surface modeling and cartesian grid generation
MJ Aftosmis, JE Melton, MJ Berger
Adaptive Cartesian mesh generation
MJ Aftosmis, MJ Berger, JE Melton
CRC Handbook of Mesh Generation (Contributed Chapter), 1998
Adjoint-based low-boom design with Cart3D
M Aftosmis, M Nemec, S Cliff
29th AIAA applied aerodynamics conference, 3500, 2011
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Articles 1–20