Alexei Lapouchnian
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Zitiert von
Goal-oriented requirements engineering: An overview of the current research
A Lapouchnian
University of Toronto 32, 2005
Awareness requirements for adaptive systems
VE Silva Souza, A Lapouchnian, WN Robinson, J Mylopoulos
Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Software engineering for …, 2011
On goal-based variability acquisition and analysis
S Liaskos, A Lapouchnian, Y Yu, E Yu, J Mylopoulos
14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 79-88, 2006
Requirements-driven design and configuration management of business processes
A Lapouchnian, Y Yu, J Mylopoulos
International Conference on Business Process Management, 246-261, 2007
Requirements-driven design of autonomic application software
A Lapouchnian, Y Yu, S Liaskos, J Mylopoulos
Proceedings of the 2006 conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on …, 2006
From goals to high-variability software design
Y Yu, A Lapouchnian, S Liaskos, J Mylopoulos, JCSP Leite
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 17th International Symposium, ISMIS 2008 …, 2008
Reverse engineering goal models from legacy code
Y Yu, Y Wang, J Mylopoulos, S Liaskos, A Lapouchnian, ...
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 363-372, 2005
Towards requirements-driven autonomic systems design
A Lapouchnian, S Liaskos, J Mylopoulos, Y Yu
Proceedings of the 2005 workshop on Design and evolution of autonomic …, 2005
Configuring features with stakeholder goals
Y Yu, JCS do Prado Leite, A Lapouchnian, J Mylopoulos
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 645-649, 2008
Modeling domain variability in requirements engineering with contexts
A Lapouchnian, J Mylopoulos
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 115-130, 2009
Requirements-driven software evolution
VES Souza, A Lapouchnian, K Angelopoulos, J Mylopoulos
Computer Science-Research and Development 28, 311-329, 2013
Configuring common personal software: a requirements-driven approach
S Liaskos, A Lapouchnian, Y Wang, Y Yu, S Easterbrook
13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 9-18, 2005
System identification for adaptive software systems: A requirements engineering perspective
VE Silva Souza, A Lapouchnian, J Mylopoulos
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2011: 30th International Conference, ER 2011 …, 2011
Awareness requirements
VES Souza, A Lapouchnian, WN Robinson, J Mylopoulos
Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II: International Seminar …, 2013
Modeling DevOps deployment choices using process architecture design dimensions
Z Babar, A Lapouchnian, E Yu
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 8th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference …, 2015
Adapting to uncertain and evolving enterprise requirements: The case of business-driven business intelligence
E Yu, A Lapouchnian, S Deng
IEEE 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2013
From stakeholder goals to high-variability software design
Y Yu, J Mylopoulos, A Lapouchnian, S Liaskos, J Leite
Technical report, Technical report csrg-509, University of Toronto, 2005
(Requirement) evolution requirements for adaptive systems
VES Souza, A Lapouchnian, J Mylopoulos
2012 7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and …, 2012
Requirements-driven qualitative adaptation
VES Souza, A Lapouchnian, J Mylopoulos
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012: Confederated …, 2012
Re-designing process architectures towards a framework of design dimensions
A Lapouchnian, E Yu, A Sturm
2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2015
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