Joost Woltering
Joost Woltering
Assistant Professor, Konstanz University, Germany
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Retinoic acid receptor antagonists inhibit miR-10a expression and block metastatic behavior of pancreatic cancer
FU Weiss, IJ Marques, JM Woltering, DH Vlecken, A Aghdassi, ...
Gastroenterology 137 (6), 2136-2145. e7, 2009
The seahorse genome and the evolution of its specialized morphology
Q Lin, S Fan, Y Zhang, M Xu, H Zhang, Y Yang, AP Lee, JM Woltering, ...
Nature 540 (7633), 395-399, 2016
The sterlet sturgeon genome sequence and the mechanisms of segmental rediploidization
K Du, M Stöck, S Kneitz, C Klopp, JM Woltering, MC Adolfi, R Feron, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (6), 841-852, 2020
MiR-10 represses HoxB1a and HoxB3a in zebrafish
JM Woltering, AJ Durston
PloS one 3 (1), e1396, 2008
Giant lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates
A Meyer, S Schloissnig, P Franchini, K Du, JM Woltering, I Irisarri, ...
Nature 590 (7845), 284-289, 2021
Conservation and Divergence of Regulatory Strategies at Hox Loci and the Origin of Tetrapod Digits
JM Woltering, D Noordermeer, M Leleu, D Duboule
PLoS biology 12 (1), e1001773, 2014
Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians: evidence for an alternative interpretation of the Hox code
JM Woltering, FJ Vonk, H Müller, N Bardine, IL Tuduce, MAG de Bakker, ...
Developmental biology 332 (1), 82-89, 2009
Agouti-related peptide 2 facilitates convergent evolution of stripe patterns across cichlid fish radiations
CF Kratochwil, Y Liang, J Gerwin, JM Woltering, S Urban, F Henning, ...
Science 362 (6413), 457-460, 2018
The origin of digits: expression patterns versus regulatory mechanisms
JM Woltering, D Duboule
Developmental cell 18 (4), 526-532, 2010
Role of a polymorphism in a Hox/Pax-responsive enhancer in the evolution of the vertebrate spine
I Guerreiro, A Nunes, JM Woltering, A Casaca, A Nóvoa, T Vinagre, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (26), 10682-10686, 2013
Extensive polycistronism and antisense transcription in the mammalian Hox clusters
G Mainguy, J Koster, J Woltering, H Jansen, A Durston
PLoS One 2 (4), e356, 2007
A role for HOX13 proteins in the regulatory switch between TADs at the HoxD locus
L Beccari, N Yakushiji-Kaminatsui, JM Woltering, A Necsulea, N Lonfat, ...
Genes & development 30 (10), 1172-1186, 2016
Rapid and parallel adaptive evolution of the visual system of Neotropical Midas cichlid fishes
J Torres-Dowdall, MER Pierotti, A Härer, N Karagic, JM Woltering, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (10), 2469-2485, 2017
From Lizard to Snake; Behind the Evolution of an Extreme Body Plan
J M Woltering
Current Genomics 13 (4), 289-299, 2012
The zebrafish hoxDb cluster has been reduced to a single microRNA
JM Woltering, AJ Durston
Nature genetics 38 (6), 601-602, 2006
The zebrafish hoxDb cluster has been reduced to a single microRNA
JM Woltering, AJ Durston
Hox, microRNAs and evolution, 31, 2006
YY1 regulates the neural crest-associated slug gene in Xenopus laevis
MJ Morgan, JM Woltering, PMJI der Rieden, AJ Durston, JP Thiery
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (45), 46826-46834, 2004
Homeodomain to hexapeptide or PBC-interaction-domain distance: size apparently matters
PMJI der Rieden, G Mainguy, JM Woltering, AJ Durston
Trends in Genetics 20 (2), 76-79, 2004
The skeletal ontogeny of Astatotilapia burtoni – a direct-developing model system for the evolution and development of the teleost body plan
JM Woltering, M Holzem, RF Schneider, V Nanos, A Meyer
BMC developmental biology 18, 1-23, 2018
A position-dependent organisation of retinoid response elements is conserved in the vertebrate Hox clusters
G Mainguy, PMJI Der Rieden, E Berezikov, JM Woltering, RHA Plasterk, ...
Trends in Genetics 19 (9), 476-479, 2003
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