Stefan Geiss
Stefan Geiss
Professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
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Framing scandals: Cognitive and emotional media effects
HM Kepplinger, S Geiss, S Siebert
Journal of Communication 62 (4), 659-681, 2012
The impact of internet and social media use on well-being: A longitudinal analysis of adolescents across nine years
C Schemer, PK Masur, S Geiß, P Müller, S Schäfer
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 26 (1), 1-21, 2021
Seek and you shall find? A content analysis on the diversity of five search engines’ results on political queries
M Steiner, M Magin, B Stark, S Geiß
Information, Communication & Society 25 (2), 217-241, 2022
Loopholes in the echo chambers: How the echo chamber metaphor oversimplifies the effects of information gateways on opinion expression
S Geiß, M Magin, P Jürgens, B Stark
Digital Journalism 9 (5), 660-686, 2021
The media’s conditional agenda-setting power: how baselines and spikes of issue salience affect likelihood and strength of agenda-setting
S Geiß
Communication Research, 2019
Lehman Brothers und die folgen: Berichterstattung zu wirtschaftlichen interventionen des Staates
HM Kepplinger, M Weber, S Geis
Springer-Verlag, 2012
Patterns of relationships between issues: An analysis of German prestige newspapers
S Geiß
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 23 (3), 265-286, 2011
Die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne der Öffentlichkeit
S Geiß
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2015
Any publicity or good publicity? A competitive test of visibility-and tonality-based media effects on voting behavior
S Geiß, S Schäfer
Political Communication 34 (3), 444-467, 2017
The interplay between media-for-monitoring and media-for-searching: How news media trigger searches and edits in Wikipedia
S Geiß, M Leidecker, T Roessing
New media & society 18 (11), 2740-2759, 2016
Frame competition after key events: A longitudinal study of media framing of economic policy after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy 2008–2009
S Geiß, M Weber, O Quiring
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29 (3), 471-496, 2017
Developing a theoretical framework to explain the social acceptability of wind energy
SH Lundheim, G Pellegrini-Masini, CA Klöckner, S Geiss
Energies 15 (14), 4934, 2022
The impact of communicating digital technologies: How information and communication technology journalists conceptualize their influence on the audience and the industry
S Geiß, N Jackob, O Quiring
New Media & Society 15 (7), 1058-1076, 2013
The dynamics of media attention to issues: Towards standardizing measures, dimensions, and profiles
S Geiß
From media hype to Twitter storm, 83-114, 2018
„Common Meeting Ground” in Gefahr? Selektionslogiken politischer Informationsquellen und ihr Einfluss auf die Fragmentierung individueller Themenhorizonte
S Geiß, M Magin, B Stark, P Jürgens
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 66 (4), 502-525, 2018
Common core in danger? Personalized information and the fragmentation of the public agenda
M Magin, S Geiß, B Stark, P Jürgens
The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (4), 887-909, 2022
Statistical Power in Content Analysis Designs: How Effect Size, Sample Size and Coding Accuracy Jointly Affect Hypothesis Testing–A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach.
S Geiß
Computational Communication Research 3 (1), 61-89, 2021
The agenda-setting-effects of news factor exposure: A field study comparing the transmission paths and impact of issue exposure and news factor exposure
S Geiß
Sage Open 12 (2), 21582440221091259, 2022
Die Finanz-und Wirtschaftskrise: Ursachen, Folgen und Interventionen
O Quiring, HM Kepplinger, M Weber, S Geiß, S Geiß, C Köhler
Lehman Brothers und die Folgen: Berichterstattung zu wirtschaftlichen …, 2013
Beyond time and space: the impact of autonomy from politics and commercialization pressure on mediatization in German and Austrian newspapers—a multilevel approach
M Magin, S Geiß
Political Communication 36 (4), 543-564, 2019
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