Markus Alfreider
Markus Alfreider
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Bioinspired nacre-like alumina with a bulk-metallic glass-forming alloy as a compliant phase
A Wat, JI Lee, CW Ryu, B Gludovatz, J Kim, AP Tomsia, T Ishikawa, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 961, 2019
In-situ TEM observation of {101 2} twin-dominated deformation of Mg pillars: Twinning mechanism, size effects and rate dependency
J Jeong, M Alfreider, R Konetschnik, D Kiener, SH Oh
Acta Materialia 158, 407-421, 2018
In-situ elastic-plastic fracture mechanics on the microscale by means of continuous dynamical testing
M Alfreider, D Kozic, O Kolednik, D Kiener
Materials & Design 148, 177-187, 2018
Rate limiting deformation mechanisms of bcc metals in confined volumes
D Kiener, R Fritz, M Alfreider, A Leitner, R Pippan, V Maier-Kiener
Acta Materialia 166, 687-701, 2019
Novel methods for the site specific preparation of micromechanical structures: Presented at the metallography conference 2014 in Leoben, Austria
S Wurster, R Treml, R Fritz, MW Kapp, E Langs, M Alfreider, C Ruhs, ...
Practical Metallography 52 (3), 131-146, 2015
An analytical solution for the correct determination of crack lengths via cantilever stiffness
M Alfreider, S Kolitsch, S Wurster, D Kiener
Materials & Design 194, 108914, 2020
In situ fracture observations of distinct interface types within a fully lamellar intermetallic TiAl alloy
M Burtscher, M Alfreider, K Schmuck, H Clemens, S Mayer, D Kiener
Journal of Materials Research 36, 2465-2478, 2021
The influence of microstructure on the cyclic deformation and damage of copper and an oxide dispersion strengthened steel studied via in-situ micro-beam bending
C Howard, R Fritz, M Alfreider, D Kiener, P Hosemann
Materials Science and Engineering: A 687, 313-322, 2017
Addressing Fracture Properties of Individual Constituents Within a Cu-WTi-SiOx-Si Multilayer
M Alfreider, J Zechner, D Kiener
Jom 72 (12), 4551-4558, 2020
Correlation between fracture characteristics and valence electron concentration of sputtered Hf-CN based thin films
T Glechner, S Lang, R Hahn, M Alfreider, V Moraes, D Primetzhofer, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 399, 126212, 2020
Probing defect relaxation in ultra-fine grained Ta using micromechanical spectroscopy
M Alfreider, I Issa, O Renk, D Kiener
Acta Materialia 185, 309-319, 2020
Enhancing mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained tungsten for fusion applications
M Wurmshuber, S Doppermann, S Wurster, S Jakob, M Balooch, ...
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 111, 106125, 2023
Small-scale fracture mechanical investigations on grain boundary doped ultrafine-grained tungsten
M Wurmshuber, M Alfreider, S Wurster, M Burtscher, R Pippan, D Kiener
Acta Materialia 250, 118878, 2023
Recent advances in nanomechanical and in situ testing techniques: Towards extreme conditions
D Kiener, M Wurmshuber, M Alfreider, GJK Schaffar, V Maier-Kiener
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 27 (6), 101108, 2023
High‐Throughput Micromechanical Testing Enabled by Optimized Direct Laser Writing
A Jelinek, S Zak, M Alfreider, D Kiener
Advanced engineering materials 25 (7), 2200288, 2023
Extracting information from noisy data: strain mapping during dynamic in situ SEM experiments
M Alfreider, M Meindlhumer, V Maier-Kiener, A Hohenwarter, D Kiener
Journal of materials research 36, 2291-2304, 2021
In situ micromechanical analysis of a nano-crystalline W-Cu composite
M Burtscher, M Alfreider, C Kainz, K Schmuck, D Kiener
Materials & Design 220, 110848, 2022
Prospects of using small scale testing to examine different deformation mechanisms in nanoscale single crystals—a case study in MG
D Kiener, J Jeong, M Alfreider, R Konetschnik, SH Oh
Crystals 11 (1), 61, 2021
Synthesis and Mechanical characterisation of an ultra-fine grained Ti-Mg composite
M Alfreider, J Jeong, R Esterl, SH Oh, D Kiener
Materials 9 (8), 688, 2016
The influence of chemistry on the interface toughness in a WTi-Cu system
M Alfreider, R Bodlos, L Romaner, D Kiener
Acta Materialia 230, 117813, 2022
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