Kai von Luck
Kai von Luck
Prof. der Informatik
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The novelty effect in large display deployments–Experiences and lessons-learned for evaluating prototypes
M Koch, K von Luck, J Schwarzer, S Draheim
Proceedings of 16th European conference on computer-supported cooperative …, 2018
Hybrid Reasoning in BACK.
B Nebel, K von Luck
ISMIS, 260-269, 1988
The anatomy of the BACK system
K von Luck, B Nebel, C Peltason
Technische Universität Berlin. Fachbereich Informatik. Projektgruppe …, 1987
Evaluation of an omnidirectional walking-in-place user interface with virtual locomotion speed scaled by forward leaning angle
E Langbehn, T Eichler, S Ghose, K von Luck, G Bruder, F Steinicke
Proceedings of the GI Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality (GI VR/AR …, 2015
Knowledge representation in LILOG
U Pletat, K Von Luck
Sorts and Types in Artificial Intelligence: Workshop, Eringerfeld, FRG …, 1990
Issues of integration and balancing in hybrid knowledge representation systems
B Nebel, K von Luck
GWAI-87 11th German Workshop on Artifical Intelligence: Geseke, September 28 …, 1987
The anatomy of the back system
K Luck, B Nebel, C Peltason, A Schmiedel
Kit report 41, 1987
Towards more robust automatic facial expression recognition in smart environments
A Bernin, L Müller, S Ghose, K von Luck, C Grecos, Q Wang, F Vogt
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2017
An environment for context-aware applications in smart homes
J Ellenberg, B Karstaedt, S Voskuhl, K von Luck, B Wendholt
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN …, 2011
Physiological data analysis for an emotional provoking exergame
L Müller, A Bernin, S Ghose, W Gozdzielewski, Q Wang, C Grecos, ...
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2016
Wissensrepräsentation und Logik-Eine Einführung.
B Owsnicki-Klewe, K von Luck, B Nebel
Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz, 153-197, 2003
Emotional journey for an emotion provoking cycling exergame
L Müller, A Bernin, A Kamenz, S Ghose, K von Luck, C Grecos, Q Wang, ...
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine …, 2017
Ambient surfaces: Interactive displays in the informative workspace of co-located scrum teams
J Schwarzer, S Draheim, K Von Luck, Q Wang, P Casaseca, C Grecos
Proceedings of the 9th nordic conference on human-computer interaction, 1-4, 2016
KL-ONE: eine Einführung
K von Luck, B Owsnicki-Klewe
IBM Deutschland, 1990
The user's guide to the BACK system
C Peltason, K von Luck, B Nebel
Technische Universität Berlin. Fachbereich Informatik. Projektgruppe …, 1987
BACK to consistency and incompleteness
K von Luck, B Nebel, C Peltason, A Schmiedel
GWAI-85: 9th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Dassel/Solling …, 1986
Towards methodological guidance for longitudinal ambient display in situ research
J Schwarzer, K von Luck, S Draheim, M Koch
European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET), 2019
Neuere KI-Formalismen zur Repräsentation von Wissen
K von Luck, B Owsnicki-Klewe
KIFS-87, Springer, Berlin, 1989
The back system
K Luck, B Nebel, C Peltason, A Schmiesel
Technical Report KIT Report 29, 1985
Asymmetrical game design approaches solve didactic problems in VR engineer trainings
U Meyer, J Becker, T Mueller, A Jeworutzki, S Draheim, K von Luck
2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network …, 2021
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