Elie Bretin
Elie Bretin
Maître de conférence ici insa de lyon
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Mathematical methods in elasticity imaging
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, H Kang, H Lee, A Wahab
Princeton University Press, 2015
A modified phase field approximation for mean curvature flow with conservation of the volume
M Brassel, E Bretin
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 10 (34), 1157-1180, 2011
Photoacoustic imaging for attenuating acoustic media
H Ammari, E Bretin, V Jugnon, A Wahab
Mathematical modeling in biomedical imaging II: optical, ultrasound, and …, 2012
Time reversal in attenuating acoustic media
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, A Wahab
Contemporary Mathematics 548, 151-163, 2011
Time-reversal algorithms in viscoelastic media
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, A Wahab
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 24 (4), 565-600, 2013
Phase-field approximations of the Willmore functional and flow
E Bretin, S Masnou, E Oudet
Numerische Mathematik 131, 115-171, 2015
Localization, stability, and resolution of topological derivative based imaging functionals in elasticity
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, W Jing, H Kang, A Wahab
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6 (4), 2174-2212, 2013
Consistency result for a non monotone scheme for anisotropic mean curvature flow
E Bonnetier, E Bretin, A Chambolle
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 14 (1), 1-35, 2012
A new phase field model for inhomogeneous minimal partitions, and applications to droplets dynamics
E Bretin, S Masnou
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 19 (2), 141-182, 2017
Coherent interferometry algorithms for photoacoustic imaging
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, V Jugnon
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (5), 2259-2280, 2012
Volume reconstruction from slices
E Bretin, F Dayrens, S Masnou
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 10 (4), 2326-2358, 2017
Noise source localization in an attenuating medium
H Ammari, E Bretin, J Garnier, A Wahab
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (1), 317-336, 2012
Regularization of discrete contour by Willmore energy
É Bretin, JO Lachaud, É Oudet
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 40, 214-229, 2011
Approximation of surface diffusion flow: A second-order variational Cahn–Hilliard model with degenerate mobilities
E Bretin, S Masnou, A Sengers, G Terii
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 32 (04), 793-829, 2022
Phase-field modelling and computing for a large number of phases
E Bretin, R Denis, JO Lachaud, E Oudet
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53 (3), 805-832, 2019
Multiphase mean curvature flows with high mobility contrasts: A phase-field approach, with applications to nanowires
E Bretin, A Danescu, J Penuelas, S Masnou
Journal of Computational Physics 365, 324-349, 2018
Numerical approximation of the Steiner problem in dimension 2 and 3
M Bonnivard, E Bretin, A Lemenant
Mathematics of Computation 89 (321), 1-43, 2020
Mathematical modeling in full-field optical coherence elastography
H Ammari, E Bretin, P Millien, L Seppecher, JK Seo
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 75 (3), 1015-1030, 2015
Mouvements par courbure moyenne et méthode de champs de phase
E Bretin
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 2009
Some anisotropic viscoelastic Green functions
E Bretin, A Wahab
Contemp. Math 548, 129-148, 2011
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