Markus Ullsperger
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The role of the medial frontal cortex in cognitive control
KR Ridderinkhof, M Ullsperger, EA Crone, S Nieuwenhuis
science 306 (5695), 443-447, 2004
Trial-by-trial coupling of concurrent electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging identifies the dynamics of performance monitoring
S Debener, M Ullsperger, M Siegel, K Fiehler, DY Von Cramon, AK Engel
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (50), 11730-11737, 2005
Subprocesses of performance monitoring: a dissociation of error processing and response competition revealed by event-related fMRI and ERPs
M Ullsperger, DY Von Cramon
Neuroimage 14 (6), 1387-1401, 2001
Neurophysiology of performance monitoring and adaptive behavior
M Ullsperger, C Danielmeier, G Jocham
Physiological reviews 94 (1), 35-79, 2014
Error monitoring using external feedback: specific roles of the habenular complex, the reward system, and the cingulate motor area revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
M Ullsperger, DY Von Cramon
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (10), 4308-4314, 2003
Post-error adjustments
C Danielmeier, M Ullsperger
Frontiers in psychology 2, 233, 2011
Conscious perception of errors and its relation to the anterior insula
M Ullsperger, HA Harsay, JR Wessel, KR Ridderinkhof
Brain Structure and Function 214, 629-643, 2010
Prediction of human errors by maladaptive changes in event-related brain networks
T Eichele, S Debener, VD Calhoun, K Specht, AK Engel, K Hugdahl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (16), 6173-6178, 2008
Single-trial EEG–fMRI reveals the dynamics of cognitive function
S Debener, M Ullsperger, M Siegel, AK Engel
Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (12), 558-563, 2006
Genetically determined differences in learning from errors
TA Klein, J Neumann, M Reuter, J Hennig, DY von Cramon, M Ullsperger
Science 318 (5856), 1642-1645, 2007
Neural correlates of error awareness
TA Klein, T Endrass, N Kathmann, J Neumann, DY von Cramon, ...
Neuroimage 34 (4), 1774-1781, 2007
Neural mechanisms and temporal dynamics of performance monitoring
M Ullsperger, AG Fischer, R Nigbur, T Endrass
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (5), 259-267, 2014
The conflict adaptation effect: It’s not just priming
M Ullsperger, LM Bylsma, MM Botvinick
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 5 (4), 467-472, 2005
Posterior medial frontal cortex activity predicts post-error adaptations in task-related visual and motor areas
C Danielmeier, T Eichele, BU Forstmann, M Tittgemeyer, M Ullsperger
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (5), 1780-1789, 2011
Who comes first? The role of the prefrontal and parietal cortex in cognitive control
M Brass, M Ullsperger, TR Knoesche, DY Cramon, NA Phillips
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (9), 1367-1375, 2005
Surprise and error: common neuronal architecture for the processing of errors and novelty
JR Wessel, C Danielmeier, JB Morton, M Ullsperger
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (22), 7528-7537, 2012
Dopamine-mediated reinforcement learning signals in the striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex underlie value-based choices
G Jocham, TA Klein, M Ullsperger
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (5), 1606-1613, 2011
Error awareness revisited: accumulation of multimodal evidence from central and autonomic nervous systems
JR Wessel, C Danielmeier, M Ullsperger
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (10), 3021-3036, 2011
Neuroimaging of performance monitoring: error detection and beyond
M Ullsperger, DY Von Cramon
Cortex 40 (4-5), 593-604, 2004
Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert in Alzheimer’s dementia
J Kuhn, K Hardenacke, D Lenartz, T Gruendler, M Ullsperger, C Bartsch, ...
Molecular psychiatry 20 (3), 353-360, 2015
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