Margarita Ryzhova
Margarita Ryzhova
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Processing particularized pragmatic inferences under load.
M Ryzhova, V Demberg
CogSci, 2020
Revisiting Recall Effects of Filler Particles in German and English.
B Muhlack, M Elmers, H Drenhaus, J Trouvain, M van Os, R Werner, ...
Interspeech, 3979-3983, 2021
What inferences do people actually make upon encountering informationally redundant utterances? An individual differences study
M Ryzhova, A Mayn, V Demberg
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
What inferences do people actually make on encountering a redundant utterance? an individual differences study
M Ryzhova, A Mayn, V Demberg
unpublished Manuscript) https://www. uni-saarland. de/fileadmin/upload …, 2022
Do large language models and humans have similar behaviors in causal inference with script knowledge?
X Hong, M Ryzhova, DA Biondi, V Demberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07311, 2023
Pragmatic comprehension of implicatures—consistency within individuals across types and time
M Ryzhova, J Loy, V Demberg
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 44 (44), 2022
Large language models fail to derive atypicality inferences in a human-like manner
C Kurch, M Ryzhova, V Demberg
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational …, 2024
Processing cost effects of atypicality inferences in a dual-task setup
M Ryzhova, V Demberg
Journal of Pragmatics 211, 47-80, 2023
Word Familiarity Classification From a Single Trial Based on Eye-Movements. A Study in German and English
M Ryzhova, I Škrjanec, N Quach, AV Chase, E Ellsiepen, V Demberg
Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1-2, 2023
Pragmatic comprehension in individuals is stable across time and some tasks
M Ryzhova, J Loy, V Demberg
“Uh/Uhm”: Conflicting recall effects of filler particles in German and English
B Muhlack, M Elmers, H Drenhaus, J Trouvain, M van Os, R Werner, ...
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