Raluca Georgescu
Raluca Georgescu
Microsoft Research
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Imitating human behaviour with diffusion models
T Pearce, T Rashid, A Kanervisto, D Bignell, M Sun, R Georgescu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10677, 2023
Uni [mask]: Unified inference in sequential decision problems
M Carroll, O Paradise, J Lin, R Georgescu, M Sun, D Bignell, S Milani, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 35, 35365-35378, 2022
Navigation turing test (NTT): Learning to evaluate human-like navigation
S Devlin, R Georgescu, I Momennejad, J Rzepecki, E Zuniga, G Costello, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2644-2653, 2021
How humans perceive human-like behavior in video game navigation
E Zuniga, S Milani, G Leroy, J Rzepecki, R Georgescu, I Momennejad, ...
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-11, 2022
Navigates like me: Understanding how people evaluate human-like AI in video games
S Milani, A Juliani, I Momennejad, R Georgescu, J Rzepecki, A Shaw, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Go-Explore Complex 3-D Game Environments for Automated Reachability Testing
C Lu, R Georgescu, J Verwey
IEEE Transactions on Games 16 (1), 235-240, 2022
Towards flexible inference in sequential decision problems via bidirectional transformers
M Carroll, J Lin, O Paradise, R Georgescu, M Sun, D Bignell, S Milani, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13326, 2022
Visual encoders for data-efficient imitation learning in modern video games
L Schäfer, L Jones, A Kanervisto, Y Cao, T Rashid, R Georgescu, ...
Managing simulators in a multi-simulator system
J Rzepecki, R Georgescu, K Hofmann, A O'grady
US Patent App. 17/339,921, 2022
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