Luis Guillermo Martinez Ballesteros
Luis Guillermo Martinez Ballesteros
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Quality of Experience (QoE) in the smart cities context: An initial analysis
LGM Ballesteros, O Alvarez, J Markendahl
2015 IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-7, 2015
Energy saving approaches for video streaming on smartphone based on QoE modeling
LGM Ballesteros, S Ickin, M Fiedler, J Markendahl, K Tollmar, K Wac
2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2016
Diferencia de los protocolos MIP V4/MIP V6 y cómo afectan las métricas de QoS en el servicio IPTV sobre IMS en una infraestructura de red móvil
DAN Rey, JEV Padilla, LG Martínez
Avances: Investigación en Ingeniería 1 (13), 102-110, 2010
Impact of semantic-aware radio resource management schemes on video streaming service
LGM Ballesteros, P Lungaro, Z Segall
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2012
Effects of Network Performance on Smartphone User Behavior
LGM Ballesteros, M Örblom, J Markendahl, P Skillermark, K Tollmar
Proc. 5th ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2016), 79-82, 2016
Towards a Semantic-aware Radio Resource Management
LG Martinez Ballesteros, C Cavdar, P Lungaro, Z Segall
MOBILITY 2013, The Third International Conference on Mobile Services …, 2013
Quality of Experience (QoE)-based service differentiation in the smart cities context: Business Analysis
LGM Ballesteros, O Alvarez, J Markendahl
Proceedings of the International Conference on City Sciences (ICCS): New …, 2015
Towards qoe-aware mobile infrastructures: Qoe-based resource management in mobile networks
LGM Ballesteros
Information and Communication Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014
QoE: A market perspective analysis
L Martinez, AAW Ahmed, Z Segall
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2014
Towards a methodology to define Service Level Agreements in a convergent network scenario
LGM Ballesteros
2010 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-3, 2010
On the Incorporation of Quality of Experience (QoE) in Mobile Networks: A technical, regulatory and business analysis
LG Martinez Ballesteros
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2017
QoE-based service differentiation: Business models analysis for the mobile market
L Martinez, PJ Nesse, J Markendahl
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2015
QoE-based service differentiation: an analysis of the business implications for the mobile services market
LGM Ballesteros, PJ Nesse, J Markendahl
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 22 (1-2), 76-109, 2023
Study of the potential impact of Quality-of-Experience based services on Net Neutrality principles
L Martinez, OA Alvarez, J Markendahl
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2015
M2M Communications in Developing Countries
L Martinez, MI Hossain, J Markendahl
7th CMI Conference 2014, 17-18 November, 2014 Aalborg University, Copenhagen, 2014
Definición de un acuerdo de nivel de servicio que incorpore parámetros y métricas de QoS y QoE
LC Herrera García, LG Martínez Ballesteros
Universidad Santo Tomás. Seccional Bucaramanga, 2010
definición de un acuerdo de nivel de servicio que incorpore parámetros y métricas de qos y qoE
LCH García, LG Martínez
ITECKNE: Innovación e Investigación en Ingeniería 7 (2), 207-212, 2010
Towards the Incorporation of Users Perception in Defining Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
LGM Ballesteros
The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE). http …, 0
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LGM Ballesteros
QoE: a market perspective analysis
LG Martinez Ballesteros, A Widaa, Z Segall
International Telecommunications Society (ITS) 25th European Regional ITS …, 2014
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