Daniel Guhl
Daniel Guhl
Assistant Professor of Consumer Behavior, Humboldt University Berlin
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Behavioral biases in marketing
K Dowling, D Guhl, D Klapper, M Spann, L Stich, N Yegoryan
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48 (3), 449-477, 2020
P2V-MAP: Mapping Market Structures for Large Retail Assortments
S Gabel, D Guhl, D Klapper
Journal of Marketing Research 56 (4), 557-580, 2019
Multinomial Logit Models in Marketing - From Fundamentals to State-of-the-Art
O Elshiewy, D Guhl, Y Boztug
Marketing ZFP 39 (3), 32-49, 2017
Inferring attribute non-attendance using eye tracking in choice-based conjoint analysis
N Yegoryan, D Guhl, D Klapper
Journal of Business Research 111, 290-304, 2020
How customer satisfaction with respect to price and quality affects customer retention: an integrated approach considering nonlinear effects
WJ Steiner, FU Siems, A Weber, D Guhl
Journal of Business Economics 84, 879-912, 2014
Understanding Differences in Segment-specific Willingness-to-pay for the Fair Trade Label
F Paetz, D Guhl
Marketing ZFP 39 (4), 37-46, 2017
Comparing the effectiveness of rewards and individually targeted coupons in loyalty programs
S Gabel, D Guhl
Journal of Retailing 98 (3), 395-411, 2022
Estimating time-varying parameters in brand choice models: A semiparametric approach
D Guhl, B Baumgartner, T Kneib, WJ Steiner
International Journal of Research in Marketing 35 (3), 394-414, 2018
Addressing endogeneity in aggregate logit models with time-varying parameters for optimal retail-pricing
D Guhl
European Journal of Operational Research 277 (2), 684-698, 2019
Flexible estimation of time-varying effects for frequently purchased retail goods: a modeling approach based on household panel data
B Baumgartner, D Guhl, T Kneib, WJ Steiner
OR Spectrum 40 (4), 837-873, 2018
Crossing incentive alignment and adaptive designs in choice-based conjoint: A fruitful endeavor
V Sablotny-Wackershauser, M Lichters, D Guhl, P Bengart, B Vogt
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 52 (3), 610-633, 2024
Price Personalisation Technology in Retail Stores: Examining the Role of Users’ Trust
R Schrage, P Kenning, D Guhl, S Gabel
International Conference on Information Systems 41, 2020
Kommunikationsbudgetierung: Heuristische Ansatze
D Guhl, H Steffenhagen
Carry Over-und Lag-Effekte in der Werbung
H Steffenhagen, D Guhl
WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 40 (11), 571-577, 2011
Koordinationswirkung fixer Preismodifikationen und prozentualer Servicevergütungen im vertikalen Marketing
M Kunter, D Guhl, H Steffenhagen
Working paper, RWTH Aachen, 2007
Predicting and optimizing marketing performance in dynamic markets
D Guhl, F Paetz, U Wagner, M Wedel
OR Spectrum 46 (1), 1-27, 2024
Measuring Marketing Success: Estimating the Effect ofSocial Media and TV Advertising on Brand Attention
D Guhl, HW von Mohrenfels, J Abshagen, D Klapper
Marketing ZFP 38 (1), 44-58, 2016
Modellierung und Koordinationswirkung alternativer Formen von Leistungskonditionen in Distributionskanälen
D Guhl
Diplomarbeit, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, RWTH Aachen, 2006
Substitution patterns and price response for plant-based meat alternatives
S Jahn, D Guhl, A Erhard
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (50), e2319016121, 2024
Kommunikationsbudgetierung: Analytische Ansatze
D Guhl, H Steffenhagen
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