S. R. Thompson
S. R. Thompson
Professor AED Economics, Ohio State University
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Generalized optimal hedge ratio estimation
RJ Myers, SR Thompson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 71 (4), 858-868, 1989
Sales loss determination in food contamination incidents: an application to milk bans in Hawaii
ME Smith, EO Van Ravenswaay, SR Thompson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 70 (3), 513-520, 1988
An econometric analysis of coca eradication policy in Colombia
R Moreno-Sanchez, DS Kraybill, SR Thompson
World Development 31 (2), 375-383, 2003
Long-term global agricultural output supply-demand balance and real farm and food prices
LG Tweeten, SR Thompson
Risk aversion and the recommended hedging ratio
GE Bond, SR Thompson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (4), 870-872, 1985
Spatial market efficiency and policy regime change: Seemingly unrelated error correction model estimation
SR Thompson, D Sul, MT Bohl
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84 (4), 1042-1053, 2002
Encountering ensemble
D Barnett, M Boyd, B Brown, F Camilleri, P Carr, F Chamberlain, ...
A&C Black, 2013
Producer returns from increased milk advertising
SR Thompson, DA Eiler
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57 (3), 505-508, 1975
Agricultural market liberalization and instability of domestic agricultural markets: the case of the CAP
SR Thompson, R Herrmann, W Gohout
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82 (3), 718-726, 2000
Determinants of milk advertising effectiveness
SR Thompson, DA Eiler
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 59 (2), 330-335, 1977
Offshore commodity hedging under floating exchange rates
SR Thompson, GE Bond
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (1), 46-55, 1987
Capitalisation of the SPS into Agricultural Land Rental Prices under Harmonisation of Payments
H Allen Klaiber, K Salhofer, SR Thompson
Journal of Agricultural Economics 68 (3), 710-726, 2017
Some evidence on weather-crop-yield interaction
JR Black, SR Thompson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (3), 540-543, 1978
CAP reforms in the 1990s and their price and welfare implications: the case of wheat
SR Thompson, W Gohout, R Herrmann
Journal of Agricultural Economics 53 (1), 1-13, 2002
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and generic promotion of beef: An analysis for “quality from Bavaria”
R Herrmann, SR Thompson, S Krischik‐Bautz
Agribusiness: An international journal 18 (3), 369-385, 2002
Commodity advertising and promotion.
HW Kinnucan, SR Thompson, HS Chang
Application of a simplified hedging rule
GE Bond, SR Thompson, BMS Lee
The Journal of Futures Markets (1986-1998) 7 (1), 65, 1987
Basis risk and hedging strategies for Australian wheat exports
GE Bond, SR Thompson, JM Geldard
Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics 29 (3), 199-209, 1985
Structural change in European calf markets: decoupling and the blue tongue disease
R Ihle, B Brümmer, SR Thompson
European Review of Agricultural Economics 39 (1), 157-180, 2012
Long-term agricultural output supply-demand balance and real farm and food prices
L Tweeten, SR Thompson
Working Paper AEDE-WP 0044-08, 2008
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