Prof. Dr. Gerd J. Hahn
Prof. Dr. Gerd J. Hahn
Independent Researcher
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Industry 4.0: a supply chain innovation perspective
GJ Hahn
International Journal of Production Research 58 (5), 1425-1441, 2020
Value-based performance and risk management in supply chains: A robust optimization approach
GJ Hahn, H Kuhn
International Journal of Production Economics 139 (1), 135-144, 2012
Blockchain technology in supply chain management: An application perspective
G Blossey, J Eisenhardt, G Hahn
A perspective on applications of in-memory analytics in supply chain management
GJ Hahn, J Packowski
Decision Support Systems 76, 45-52, 2015
Designing decision support systems for value-based management: A survey and an architecture
GJ Hahn, H Kuhn
Decision Support Systems 53 (3), 591-598, 2012
A sustainable aggregate production planning model for the chemical process industry
GJ Hahn, M Brandenburg
Computers & operations research 94, 154-168, 2018
Simultaneous investment, operations, and financial planning in supply chains: A value-based optimization approach
GJ Hahn, H Kuhn
International Journal of Production Economics 140 (2), 559-569, 2012
Optimising a value-based performance indicator in mid-term sales and operations planning
GJ Hahn, H Kuhn
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (3), 515-525, 2011
Valuing supply chain performance within and across manufacturing industries: A DEA-based approach
GJ Hahn, M Brandenburg, J Becker
International Journal of Production Economics 240, 108203, 2021
A multi-criteria approach to robust outsourcing decision-making in stochastic manufacturing systems
GJ Hahn, T Sens, C Decouttere, NJ Vandaele
Computers & Industrial Engineering 98, 275-288, 2016
Managing inventory systems of slow-moving items
GJ Hahn, A Leucht
International Journal of Production Economics 170, 543-550, 2015
Dynamic lot sizing in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
F Sahling, GJ Hahn
International Journal of Production Economics 207, 96-106, 2019
Organizational culture and knowledge exchange and combination: a systematic literature review
D Laubengaier, G Hahn, HT Wagner
Sustainable supply chains: Recent developments and future trends
M Brandenburg, GJ Hahn, T Rebs
Social and Environmental Dimensions of Organizations and Supply Chains …, 2018
Financial performance and firm efficiency of automotive manufacturers and their suppliers: A longitudinal data envelopment analysis
M Brandenburg, GJ Hahn
Logistics Research 14 (1), 1-26, 2021
Planning pharmaceutical manufacturing networks in the light of uncertain production approval times
G Blossey, GJ Hahn, A Koberstein
International Journal of Production Economics 244, 108343, 2022
Sustainable aggregate production planning in the chemical process industry-A benchmark problem and dataset
M Brandenburg, GJ Hahn
Data in brief 18, 961-967, 2018
Social and Environmental Dimensions of Organizations and Supply Chains: Tradeoffs and Synergies
M Brandenburg, GJ Hahn, T Rebs
Springer, 2018
Enhancing aggregate production planning with an integrated stochastic queuing model
GJ Hahn, C Kaiser, H Kuhn, L Perdu, NJ Vandaele
Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International …, 2012
Managing uncertainty in pharmaceutical supply chains: A structured review
G Blossey, GJ Hahn, A Koberstein
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