Fabian Kalleitner
Fabian Kalleitner
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The Austrian Corona Panel Project: monitoring individual and societal dynamics amidst the COVID-19 crisis
B Kittel, S Kritzinger, H Boomgaarden, B Prainsack, JM Eberl, F Kalleitner, ...
European Political Science 20 (2), 318-344, 2021
Peers for the fearless: Social norms facilitate preventive behaviour when individuals perceive low COVID-19 health risks
B Kittel, F Kalleitner, DW Schiestl
PloS one 16 (12), e0260171, 2021
The Transmission of Work Centrality within the Family in a Cross-Regional Perspective
B Kittel, F Kalleitner, P Tsakloglou
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 682 (1 …, 2019
Attitudes towards European financial solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from a net-contributor country
L Bobzien, F Kalleitner
European Societies 23 (sup1), S791-S804, 2021
Information, reflection, and successful job search: A labor market policy experiment
M Mühlböck, F Kalleitner, N Steiber, B Kittel
Social Policy & Administration, 2022
How has COVID-19 affected the financial situation of households in Austria?
N Albacete, P Fessler, F Kalleitner, P Lindner
Monetary Policy and the Economy, 2021
What’s the benefit of a video? The effect of nonmaterial incentives on response rate and bias in web surveys
F Kalleitner, M Mühlböck, B Kittel
Social Science Computer Review 40 (3), 700-716, 2022
Taxed fairly? How differences in perception shape attitudes towards progressive taxation
F Kalleitner, L Bobzien
European Sociological Review 40 (3), 535-548, 2024
Subjective Inequity Aversion: Unfair Inequality, Subjective Well-Being, and Preferences for Redistribution
S Bohmann, F Kalleitner
SocArXiv. January 23, 2023
Scarring Dreams? Young People’s Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment
M Mühlböck, F Kalleitner, N Steiber, B Kittel
Social Inclusion 10 (2), 252-264, 2022
Varieties of mobility measures: Comparing survey and mobile phone data during the COVID-19 pandemic
F Kalleitner, DW Schiestl, G Heiler
Public Opinion Quarterly 86 (4), 913-931, 2022
Einkommenseinbußen in der Frühphase der Corona-Krise
F Kalleitner, DW Schiestl
Austrian Corona Panel Project: Corona Blog, 2020
The Inequity Z: Income Fairness Perceptions in Europe across the Income Distribution
F Kalleitner, S Bohmann
Socius 9, 23780231231167138, 2023
Das Einkommenssteuerverständnis in Österreich. Wissen und Zustimmung zur progressiven Besteuerung
F Kalleitner, B Kittel
Aktuelle Probleme der Finanzsoziologie: Die Fragestellungen von Rudolf …, 2018
How much for whom? Explaining preferences for welfare benefits to short-time workers and the unemployed
F Kalleitner, L Schlogl, L Bobzien
Journal of European Social Policy, 09589287241283707, 2024
Zeugnisse des Umbruchs und der Kontinuität
F Kalleitner, A Fassl, ST Feichter
Die Soziologie und der Nationalsozialismus in Österreich, 223-244, 2019
2. Income, tax perceptions, and fairness norms. A survey experiment
F Kalleitner, B Kittel
PUMA Survey VI., 9, 0
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