Raoul Bell
Raoul Bell
Department of Experimental Psychology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
No enhanced recognition memory, but better source memory for faces of cheaters
A Buchner, R Bell, B Mehl, J Musch
Evolution and Human Behavior 30 (3), 212-224, 2009
Habituation of the irrelevant sound effect: evidence for an attentional theory of short-term memory disruption.
R Bell, JP Röer, S Dentale, A Buchner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (6), 1542, 2012
Age-related differences in irrelevant-speech effects.
R Bell, A Buchner, I Mund
Psychology and aging 23 (2), 377, 2008
Self-relevance increases the irrelevant sound effect: Attentional disruption by one's own name
JP Röer, R Bell, A Buchner
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 25 (8), 925-931, 2013
Registered replication report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)
M O’donnell, LD Nelson, E Ackermann, B Aczel, A Akhtar, S Aldrovandi, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 13 (2), 268-294, 2018
Evidence for habituation of the irrelevant-sound effect on serial recall
JP Röer, R Bell, A Buchner
Memory & Cognition 42, 609-621, 2014
Specific foreknowledge reduces auditory distraction by irrelevant speech.
JP Röer, R Bell, A Buchner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (3), 692, 2015
Is the survival-processing memory advantage due to richness of encoding?
JP Röer, R Bell, A Buchner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (4), 1294, 2013
ERP correlates of the irrelevant sound effect
R Bell, S Dentale, A Buchner, S Mayr
Psychophysiology 47 (6), 1182-1191, 2010
How adaptive is memory for cheaters?
R Bell, A Buchner
Current Directions in Psychological Science 21 (6), 403-408, 2012
On the flexibility of social source memory: a test of the emotional incongruity hypothesis.
R Bell, A Buchner, M Kroneisen, T Giang
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (6), 1512, 2012
Enhanced old–new recognition and source memory for faces of cooperators and defectors in a social-dilemma game
R Bell, A Buchner, J Musch
Cognition 117 (3), 261-275, 2010
Valence modulates source memory for faces
R Bell, A Buchner
Memory & Cognition 38 (1), 29-41, 2010
What determines auditory distraction? On the roles of local auditory changes and expectation violations
JP Röer, R Bell, A Buchner
PloS one 9 (1), e84166, 2014
Attentional capture by taboo words: A functional view of auditory distraction.
JP Röer, U Körner, A Buchner, R Bell
Emotion 17 (4), 740, 2017
The role of habituation and attentional orienting in the disruption of short-term memory performance
JP Röer, R Bell, S Dentale, A Buchner
Memory & Cognition 39 (5), 839-850, 2011
Working memory capacity is equally unrelated to auditory distraction by changing-state and deviant sounds
U Körner, JP Röer, A Buchner, R Bell
Journal of Memory and Language 96, 122-137, 2017
Equivalent irrelevant-sound effects for old and young adults
R Bell, A Buchner
Memory & cognition 35 (2), 352-364, 2007
Adaptive memory: The survival-processing memory advantage is not due to negativity or mortality salience
R Bell, JP Röer, A Buchner
Memory & Cognition 41, 490-502, 2013
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