Andrina Granić
Andrina Granić
Professor of Computer Science at University of Split, Faculty of Science, Croatia,
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Technology acceptance model: a literature review from 1986 to 2013
N Marangunić, A Granić
Universal access in the information society 14, 81-95, 2015
Technology acceptance model in educational context: A systematic literature review
A Granić, N Marangunić
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2572-2593, 2019
Educational technology adoption: A systematic review
A Granić
Education and Information Technologies 27 (7), 9725-9744, 2022
Anatomy of student models in adaptive learning systems: A systematic literature review of individual differences from 2001 to 2013
J Nakic, A Granic, V Glavinic
Journal of Educational Computing Research 51 (4), 459-489, 2015
Usability testing and expert inspections complemented by educational evaluation: A case study of an e-learning platform
A Granić, M Ćukušić
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (2), 107-123, 2011
The technology acceptance model: 30 years of TAM
FD Davis, A Granić, N Marangunić
Springer International Publishing AG, 2024
e-Learning process management and the e-learning performance: Results of a European empirical study
M Ćukušić, N Alfirević, A Granić, Ž Garača
Computers & Education 55 (2), 554-565, 2010
Is it still valid or outdated? A bibliometric analysis of the technology acceptance model and its applications from 2010 to 2020
M Al-Emran, A Granić
Recent advances in technology acceptance models and theories, 1-12, 2021
Evaluating the perceived and estimated quality in use of Web 2.0 applications
T Orehovački, A Granić, D Kermek
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (12), 3039-3059, 2013
Design, implementation and validation of a Europe-wide pedagogical framework for e-learning
A Granić, C Mifsud, M Ćukušić
Computers & Education 53 (4), 1052-1081, 2009
Examining the roles of students' beliefs and security concerns for using smartwatches in higher education
M Al-Emran, A Granić, MA Al-Sharafi, N Ameen, M Sarrab
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 34 (4), 1229-1251, 2021
Experience with usability evaluation of e-learning systems
A Granić
Universal Access in the Information Society 7, 209-221, 2008
Usability evaluation methodology for web-based educational systems
A Granić, V Glavinić, S Stankov
Proceedings of the 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All, 28-29, 2004
Exploring the usability of web portals: A Croatian case study
A Granić, I Mitrović, N Marangunić
International journal of information management 31 (4), 339-349, 2011
Technology acceptance and adoption in education
A Granić
Handbook of open, distance and digital education, 183-197, 2023
Social media adoption in education: A systematic review of disciplines, applications, and influential factors
N Al-Qaysi, A Granić, M Al-Emran, T Ramayah, E Garces, TU Daim
Technology in society 73, 102249, 2023
Tangible interfaces in early years’ education: a systematic review
LD Rodić, A Granić
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-39, 2021
Exploring the quality in use of Web 2.0 applications: the case of mind mapping services
T Orehovački, A Granić, D Kermek
Current Trends in Web Engineering: Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, and …, 2012
Universal Design within the Context of e-Learning
A Granić, M Ćukušić
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services …, 2007
Technology adoption at individual level: toward an integrated overview
A Granić
Universal Access in the Information Society 23 (2), 843-858, 2024
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