Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen
Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen
Professor of social sustainability and welfare policies, LUT University, Finland
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Gerontology in the era of the third age: Implications and next steps
DC Carr, KS Komp
Springer Publishing Company, 2011
Paid work between age 60 and 70 years in Europe: a matter of socio-economic status?
KS Komp, TG van Tilburg, MIB Van Groenou
International journal of ageing and later life 5 (1), 45-75, 2010
Age, retirement, and health as factors in volunteering in later life
K Komp, T Van Tilburg, MB Van Groenou
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41 (2), 280-299, 2012
Shifts in the realized retirement age: Europe in times of pension reform and economic crisis
K Komp
Journal of European social policy 28 (2), 130-142, 2018
Population ageing in a lifecourse perspective: developing a conceptual framework
K Komp, S Johansson
Ageing & Society 36 (9), 1937-1960, 2016
Ageing societies and the welfare state: where the inter-generational contract is not breached
K Komp, T Van Tilburg
International journal of ageing and later Life 5 (1), 7-11, 2010
The political economy of the third age
KS Komp
Gerontology in the era of the third age: New challenges and opportunities, 51-66, 2011
Capturing the diversity of working age life-courses: A European perspective on cohorts born before 1945
K Komp-Leukkunen
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212400, 2019
Old Age in Europe
K Komp, M Aartsen
A Textbook of Gerontology 140, 140, 2013
Neljä osallistavan sosiaaliturvan mallia
H Hiilamo, K Komp, P Moisio, TB Sama, JP Lauronen, A Karimo, ...
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2017
What life-course research can contribute to futures studies
K Komp-Leukkunen
Futures 124, 102651, 2020
Population ageing from a lifecourse perspective
K Komp, S Johansson
Bristol: Policy Press, 2015
From retirement to “productive aging” and back to work again
S Bass, DC Carr, K Komp
Gerontology in the era of the third age: Implications and next steps, 169-188, 2011
The influence of the welfare state on the number of young old persons
K Komp, T Van Tilburg, MB Van Groenou
Ageing & Society 29 (4), 609-624, 2009
Guest editorial: Balancing protection and productivity: International perspectives on social policies for older people.
K Komp, D Beland
International Journal of Social Welfare 21, 2012
Older workers in digitalizing workplaces: A systematic literature review
K Komp-Leukkunen, A Poli, T Hellevik, K Herlofson, A Heuer, R Norum, ...
Common Ground Research Networks, 2022
Automation and public support for workfare
ZJ Im, K Komp-Leukkunen
Journal of European Social Policy 31 (4), 457-472, 2021
The case for a participation income: acknowledging and valuing the diversity of social participation
H Hiilamo, K Komp
The political quarterly 89 (2), 256-261, 2018
Providing integrated health and social care for older persons in Austria
M Grilz-Wolf, C Strümpel, K Leichsenring, K Komp
Providing Integrated Health and Social Services for Older Persons, 97-138, 2019
A life-course perspective on older workers in workplaces undergoing transformative digitalization
K Komp-Leukkunen
The Gerontologist 63 (9), 1413-1418, 2023
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