Fritz Hellmann
Fritz Hellmann
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Impact of EU biofuel policies on world agricultural production and land use
M Banse, H Van Meijl, A Tabeau, G Woltjer, F Hellmann, PH Verburg
Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (6), 2385-2390, 2011
Impact assessment of the European biofuel directive on land use and biodiversity
F Hellmann, PH Verburg
Journal of environmental management 91 (6), 1389-1396, 2010
Spatially explicit modelling of biofuel crops in Europe
F Hellmann, PH Verburg
Biomass and Bioenergy 35 (6), 2411-2424, 2011
Covariance in water-and nutrient budgets of Dutch peat polders: what governs nutrient retention?
JE Vermaat, F Hellmann
Biogeochemistry 99, 109-126, 2010
The future of rural Europe: An anthology based on the results of the Eururalis 2.0 scenario study
W Rienks, A Balkema, M Banse, B Eickhout, I Geijzendorffer, ...
Alterra Wageningen UR, 2008
Differentiating the effects of climate and land use change on European biodiversity: A scenario analysis
JE Vermaat, FA Hellmann, AJA van Teeffelen, J van Minnen, R Alkemade, ...
Ambio 46, 277-290, 2017
Greenhouse gas fluxes from Dutch peatland water bodies: Importance of the surrounding landscape
JE Vermaat, F Hellmann, ATC Dias, B Hoorens, RSP Van Logtestijn, ...
Wetlands 31, 493-498, 2011
Nitrogen source apportionment for the catchment, estuary, and adjacent coastal waters of the River Scheldt
JE Vermaat, S Broekx, B Van Eck, G Engelen, F Hellmann, JL De Kok, ...
Ecology and Society 17 (2), 2012
Annual sulfate budgets for Dutch lowland peat polders: The soil is a major sulfate source through peat and pyrite oxidation
JE Vermaat, J Harmsen, FA Hellmann, HG van der Geest, JJM de Klein, ...
Journal of Hydrology 533, 515-522, 2016
Impact of climate change on water management in Dutch peat polders
F Hellmann, JE Vermaat
Ecological Modelling 240, 74-83, 2012
Dispersal based climate change sensitivity scores for European species
F Hellmann, R Alkemade, OM Knol
Ecological Indicators 71, 41-46, 2016
Die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von Pilzen und die Bedeutung der Pilzkonkurrenz für das Ausmass der Schädigung an Weizen durch Ophiobolus graminis Sacc
M Brömmelhues, JE Vermaat, J Harmsen, FA Hellmann, HG Geest, ...
Sl: sn, 1934
Future land use patterns in European river basins: scenario trends in urbanization, agriculture and land use
FA Hellmann, H de Moel
Risk-informed management of European river basins, 209-222, 2014
Sulfaatbronnen in het Hollandse veenlandschap
J Vermaat, J Harmsen, F Hellmann, H Geest, J Klein, S Kosten, ...
Zwaveldynamiek in het West-Nederlandse laagveengebied: met het oog op klimaatverandering
J Vermaat, J Harmsen, F Hellmann, H van der Geest, JJM de Klein, ...
Vrije Universiteit, 2012
Downscaling Scenarios as an Exploratory Tool for River Basin Management: An Introduction
JE Vermaat, W Salomons, AJ Gilbert, FA Hellmann
Risk-informed management of European river basins, 185-196, 2014
Het effect van klimaatverandering op de waterhuishouding en nutriëntenstromen in veenweidepolders
Hellmann, Vermaat
H2O 44 (3), 25 - 28, 2011
Framing the uncertain future: articulating IPCC-SRES scenarios for European river basins
JE Vermaat, SE Apitz, W Blum, B Harris, FA Hellmann, W Salomons, ...
Risk-informed management of European river basins, 223-238, 2014
Linking global trends to local impacts in spatially explicit integrated assessments
FA Hellmann
Articulating SRES-scenarios for use in integrated modelling of land use, hydrology and nitrogen budgets of the Scheldt catchment
JE Vermaat, W Salomons, AJ Gilbert, FA Hellmann
Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken, 2009
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