Nur Touba
Nur Touba
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
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Zitiert von
Survey of test vector compression techniques
NA Touba
IEEE Design & test of computers 23 (4), 294-303, 2006
Static compaction techniques to control scan vector power dissipation
R Sankaralingam, RR Oruganti, NA Touba
Proceedings 18th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 35-40, 2000
Scan vector compression/decompression using statistical coding
A Jas, J Ghosh-Dastidar, NA Touba
Proceedings 17th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (Cat. No. PR00146), 114-120, 1999
System-on-Chip Test Architectures: Nanometer Design for Testability (Systems on Silicon)
LT Wang, CE Stroud, NA Touba
Morgan Kaufmann, 2009
Test vector decompression via cyclical scan chains and its application to testing core-based designs
A Jas, NA Touba
Proceedings International Test Conference 1998 (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36270 …, 1998
An efficient test vector compression scheme using selective Huffman coding
A Jas, J Ghosh-Dastidar, ME Ng, NA Touba
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 2003
Cost-effective approach for reducing soft error failure rate in logic circuits
K Mohanram, NA Touba
International Test Conference, 2003. Proceedings. ITC 2003. 1, 893-901, 2003
Test vector encoding using partial LFSR reseeding
CV Krishna, A Jas, NA Touba
Proceedings International Test Conference 2001 (Cat. No. 01CH37260), 885-893, 2001
Altering a pseudo-random bit sequence for scan-based BIST
NA Touba, EJ McCluskey
Proceedings International Test Conference 1996. Test and Design Validity …, 1996
Multiple bit upset tolerant memory using a selective cycle avoidance based SEC-DED-DAEC code
A Dutta, NA Touba
25th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS'07), 349-354, 2007
Reducing test data volume using LFSR reseeding with seed compression
CV Krishna, NA Touba
Proceedings. International Test Conference, 321-330, 2002
Synthesis of circuits with low-cost concurrent error detection based on Bose-Lin codes
D Das, NA Touba
Journal of Electronic Testing 15, 145-155, 1999
Logic synthesis of multilevel circuits with concurrent error detection
NA Touba, EJ McCluskey
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1997
Reducing power dissipation during test using scan chain disable
R Sankaralingam, B Pouya, NA Touba
Proceedings 19th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium. VTS 2001, 319-324, 2001
Weight-based codes and their application to concurrent error detection of multilevel circuits
D Das, NA Touba
Proceedings 17th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (Cat. No. PR00146), 370-376, 1999
Reducing test data volume using external/LBIST hybrid test patterns
D Das, NA Touba
Proceedings International Test Conference 2000 (IEEE Cat. No. 00CH37159 …, 2000
Test point insertion based on path tracing
NA Touba, EJ McCluskey
Proceedings of 14th VLSI Test Symposium, 2-8, 1996
Controlling peak power during scan testing
R Sankaralingam, NA Touba
Proceedings 20th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS 2002), 153-159, 2002
Improving logic obfuscation via logic cone analysis
YW Lee, NA Touba
2015 16th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 1-6, 2015
Low cost concurrent error detection based on module weight-based codes
D Das, NA Touba, M Seuring, M Gossel
Proceedings 6th IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop (Cat. No …, 2000
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