Melinda Karp
Melinda Karp
Phase Two Advisory
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An exploration of Tinto's integration framework for community college students
MM Karp, KL Hughes, L O'Gara
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 12 (1), 69-86, 2010
The Postsecondary Achievement of Participants in Dual Enrollment:" An Analysis of Student Outcomes in Two States".
MM Karp, JC Calcagno, KL Hughes, DW Jeong, TR Bailey
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2007
Promoting College Access and Success: A Review of Credit-Based Transition Programs.
T Bailey, MM Karp
Toward a New Understanding of Non-Academic Student Support: Four Mechanisms Encouraging Positive Student Outcomes in the Community College. CCRC Working Paper No. 28 …
MM Karp
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2011
What Role Can Dual Enrollment Programs Play in Easing the Transition between High School and Postsecondary Education?.
TR Bailey, KL Hughes, MM Karp
For full text: http://www. ed. gov/offices/OVAE/HS/bailey. doc., 2002
Student success courses in the community college: An exploratory study of student perspectives
L O'Gara, M Mechur Karp, KL Hughes
Community College Review 36 (3), 195-218, 2009
“They never told me what to expect, so I didn't know what to do”: Defining and clarifying the role of a community college student
MM Karp, RH Bork
Teachers College Record 116 (4), 1-40, 2014
“I don't know, I've never been to college!” Dual enrollment as a college readiness strategy
M Mechur Karp
New Directions for Higher Education 2012 (158), 21-28, 2012
School-based career development: A synthesis of the literature
KL Hughes, MJM Karp
State Dual Enrollment Policies: Addressing Access and Quality.
MM Karp, TR Bailey, KL Hughes, BJ Fermin
US Department of Education, 2004
Student success courses in the community college: Early enrollment and educational outcomes
SW Cho, MM Karp
Community College Review 41 (1), 86-103, 2013
Do Support Services at Community Colleges Encourage Success or Reproduce Disadvantage? An Exploratory Study of Students in Two Community Colleges. CCRC Working Paper No. 10.
MM Karp, L O'Gara, KL Hughes
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2008
Improving developmental education assessment and placement: Lessons from community colleges across the country
M Hodara, S Jaggars, MJM Karp
Study: Dual Enrollment Can Benefit a Broad Range of Students.
MM Karp, KL Hughes
Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers (J1) 83 (7), 14-17, 2008
Improving student outcomes via comprehensive supports: Three-year outcomes from CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)
Z Kolenovic, D Linderman, MM Karp
Community College Review 41 (4), 271-291, 2013
Dual enrollment, structural reform, and the completion agenda
MM Karp
New directions for community colleges 2015 (169), 103-111, 2015
Entering a program: Helping students make academic and career decisions
MJM Karp
Pathways to college access and success
KL Hughes, MJM Karp, BJ Fermin, TR Bailey
Leadership for transformative change: Lessons from technology-mediated reform in broad-access colleges
S Klempin, MM Karp
The Journal of Higher Education 89 (1), 81-105, 2018
Dual enrollment programs: Easing transitions from high school to college
TR Bailey, KL Hughes, MJM Karp
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