David Stirling
David Stirling
Senior Lecturer School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Wollongong
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Cited by
Gold nanoparticles for the improved anticancer drug delivery of the active component of oxaliplatin
SD Brown, P Nativo, JA Smith, D Stirling, PR Edwards, B Venugopal, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (13), 4678-4684, 2010
A short history of the polymerase chain reaction
JMS Bartlett, D Stirling
PCR protocols, 3-6, 2003
Interleukin 6 and haemostasis.
R Kerr, D Stirling, CA Ludlam
British journal of haematology 115 (1), 2001
PCR protocols
JMS Bartlett, D Stirling
Humana Press 226, 3-525, 2003
Effects of acute insulin-induced hypoglycemia on indices of inflammation: putative mechanism for aggravating vascular disease in diabetes
RJ Wright, DE Newby, D Stirling, CA Ludlam, IA Macdonald, BM Frier
Diabetes care 33 (7), 1591-1597, 2010
Early factor VIII exposure and subsequent inhibitor development in children with severe haemophilia A
EA Chalmers, SA Brown, D Keeling, R Liesner, M Richards, D Stirling, ...
Haemophilia 13 (2), 149-155, 2007
The role of deep learning and radiomic feature extraction in cancer-specific predictive modelling: a review
A Vial, D Stirling, M Field, M Ros, C Ritz, M Carolan, L Holloway, AA Miller
Translational Cancer Research 7 (3), 2018
Analysis of nonstationary power-quality waveforms using iterative Hilbert Huang transform and SAX algorithm
MJ Afroni, D Sutanto, D Stirling
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 28 (4), 2134-2144, 2013
Motion capture in robotics review
M Field, D Stirling, F Naghdy, Z Pan
2009 IEEE international conference on control and automation, 1697-1702, 2009
Application of adaptive controllers in teleoperation systems: A survey
L Chan, F Naghdy, D Stirling
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (3), 337-352, 2014
Effects of acute liver injury on blood coagulation
R Kerr, P Newsome, L Germain, E Thomson, P Dawson, D Stirling, ...
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1 (4), 754-759, 2003
Microparticles, malignancy and thrombosis
S Zahra, JAM Anderson, D Stirling, CA Ludlam
British journal of haematology 152 (6), 688-700, 2011
Decoding student satisfaction: How to manage and improve the laboratory experience
S Nikolic, C Ritz, PJ Vial, M Ros, D Stirling
IEEE Transactions on Education 58 (3), 151-158, 2014
Transcriptional activation of the factor VIII gene in liver cell lines by interleukin-6
D Stirling, WA Hannant, CA Ludlam
Thrombosis and haemostasis 59 (01), 74-78, 1998
Working together: the combined application of a magnetic field and penetratin for the delivery of magnetic nanoparticles to cells in 3D
HW Child, PA Del Pino, JM De la Fuente, AS Hursthouse, D Stirling, ...
ACS nano 5 (10), 7910-7919, 2011
Extended active observer for force estimation and disturbance rejection of robotic manipulators
L Chan, F Naghdy, D Stirling
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 61 (12), 1277-1287, 2013
DNA extraction from fungi, yeast, and bacteria
D Stirling
PCR protocols, 53-54, 2003
JAK2 V617F and CALR mutations are not mutually exclusive; findings from retrospective analysis of a small patient cohort.
G McGaffin, K Harper, D Stirling, L McLintock
British journal of haematology 167 (2), 2014
Seated whole-body vibration analysis, technologies, and modeling: a survey
JL Coyte, D Stirling, H Du, M Ros
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (6), 725-739, 2015
Formative assessment to develop oral communication competency using YouTube: self-and peer assessment in engineering
S Nikolic, D Stirling, M Ros
European Journal of Engineering Education 43 (4), 538-551, 2018
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Articles 1–20