Helle Sjøvaag
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Zitiert von
Introducing the paywall: A case study of content changes in three online newspapers
H Sjøvaag
Journalism Practice 10 (3), 304-322, 2016
Journalistic autonomy: Between structure, agency and institution
H Sjøvaag
Nordicom review 34 (s1), 155-166, 2013
Web media and the quantitative content analysis: Methodological challenges in measuring online news content
H Sjøvaag, E Stavelin
Convergence 18 (2), 215-229, 2012
Content analysis and online news: epistemologies of analysing the ephemeral Web
M Karlsson
Rethinking Research Methods in an Age of Digital Journalism, 177-192, 2018
Homogenisation or differentiation? The effects of consolidation in the regional newspaper market
H Sjøvaag
Journalism Studies 15 (5), 511-521, 2014
The reciprocity of journalism's social contract: The political-philosophical foundations of journalistic ideology
H Sjøvaag
Journalism Studies 11 (6), 874-888, 2010
Towards responsible media recommendation
M Elahi, D Jannach, L Skjærven, E Knudsen, H Sjøvaag, K Tolonen, ...
AI and Ethics, 1-12, 2022
Public service news on the Web: A large-scale content analysis of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's online news
H Sjøvaag, H Moe, E Stavelin
Journalism Studies 13 (1), 90-106, 2012
Media diversity and the global superplayers: operationalising pluralism for a digital media market
H Sjøvaag
Journal of Media Business Studies 13 (3), 170-186, 2016
Hard news/soft news: The hierarchy of genres and the boundaries of the profession
H Sjøvaag
Boundaries of journalism, 101-117, 2015
Female voices in the news: Structural conditions of gender representations in Norwegian newspapers
H Sjøvaag, TA Pedersen
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (1), 215-238, 2019
Media ownership and journalism
H Sjøvaag, J Ohlsson
Oxford research encyclopedia of communication, 2019
Amateur images and journalistic authority
H Sjøvaag
Amateur images and global news. Bristol: Intellect, 2011
Is public service broadcasting a threat to commercial media?
H Sjøvaag, TA Pedersen, T Owren
Media, Culture & Society 41 (6), 808-827, 2019
Journalism between the state and the market
H Sjøvaag
Routledge, 2019
The hyperlinked Scandinavian news ecology: The unequal terms forged by the structural properties of digitalisation
H Sjøvaag, E Stavelin, M Karlsson, A Kammer
Digital Journalism 7 (4), 507-531, 2019
You should read this study! It investigates scandinavian social media logics☝
M Haim, M Karlsson, R Ferrer-Conill, A Kammer, D Elgesem, H Sjøvaag
Digital Journalism 9 (4), 406-426, 2021
In search of journalism funding: scenarios for future media policy in Norway
H Sjøvaag, AH Krumsvik
Journalism practice 12 (9), 1201-1219, 2018
Continuity and change in public service news online: A longitudinal analysis of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
H Sjøvaag, E Stavelin, H Moe
Journalism Studies 17 (8), 952-970, 2016
Introduction: Research methods in an age of digital journalism
M Karlsson, H Sjøvaag
Rethinking Research Methods in an Age of Digital Journalism, 1-7, 2018
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