Thomas L. McKenzie
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Physical education's role in public health
JF Sallis, TL McKenzie
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 62 (2), 124-137, 1991
Outcomes of a field trial to improve children's dietary patterns and physical activity: The Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health (CATCH)
RV Luepker, CL Perry, SM McKinlay, PR Nader, GS Parcel, EJ Stone, ...
Jama 275 (10), 768-776, 1996
The effects of a 2-year physical education program (SPARK) on physical activity and fitness in elementary school students. Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids.
JF Sallis, TL McKenzie, JE Alcaraz, B Kolody, N Faucette, MF Hovell
American journal of public health 87 (8), 1328-1334, 1997
Contribution of public parks to physical activity
DA Cohen, TL McKenzie, A Sehgal, S Williamson, D Golinelli, N Lurie
American journal of public health 97 (3), 509-514, 2007
Promoting physical activity in children and youth: a leadership role for schools: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical …
RR Pate, MG Davis, TN Robinson, EJ Stone, TL McKenzie, JC Young
Circulation 114 (11), 1214-1224, 2006
Effects of health-related physical education on academic achievement: Project SPARK
JF Sallis, TL McKenzie, B Kolody, M Lewis, S Marshall, P Rosengard
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 70 (2), 127-134, 1999
Physical activity behavior change: issues in adoption and maintenance.
BH Marcus, LAH Forsyth, EJ Stone, PM Dubbert, TL McKenzie, AL Dunn, ...
Health psychology 19 (1S), 32, 2000
SOFIT: System for observing fitness instruction time
TL McKenzie, JF Sallis, PR Nader
Journal of teaching in physical Education 11 (2), 195-205, 1992
Evaluating evaluations: The case of parent involvement programs
DJ Mattingly, R Prislin, TL McKenzie, JL Rodriguez, B Kayzar
Review of educational research 72 (4), 549-576, 2002
The association of school environments with youth physical activity.
JF Sallis, TL Conway, JJ Prochaska, TL McKenzie, SJ Marshall, M Brown
American journal of public health 91 (4), 618, 2001
Effects of physical activity interventions in youth: review and synthesis
EJ Stone, TL McKenzie, GJ Welk, ML Booth
American journal of preventive medicine 15 (4), 298-315, 1998
Environmental interventions for eating and physical activity: a randomized controlled trial in middle schools
JF Sallis, TL McKenzie, TL Conway, JP Elder, JJ Prochaska, M Brown, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 24 (3), 209-217, 2003
System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC): reliability and feasibility measures
TL McKenzie, DA Cohen, A Sehgal, S Williamson, D Golinelli
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 3 (s1), S208-S222, 2006
Public parks and physical activity among adolescent girls
DA Cohen, JS Ashwood, MM Scott, A Overton, KR Evenson, LK Staten, ...
Pediatrics 118 (5), e1381-e1389, 2006
Leisure-time physical activity in school environments: an observational study using SOPLAY
TL McKenzie, SJ Marshall, JF Sallis, TL Conway
Preventive medicine 30 (1), 70-77, 2000
Correlates of physical activity at home in Mexican-American and Anglo-American preschool children.
JF Sallis, PR Nader, SL Broyles, CC Berry, JP Elder, TL McKenzie, ...
Health psychology 12 (5), 390, 1993
School physical education: effect of the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health
TL McKenzie, PR Nader, PK Strikmiller, M Yang, EJ Stone, CL Perry, ...
Preventive medicine 25 (4), 423-431, 1996
Student activity levels, lesson context, and teacher behavior during middle school physical education
TL McKenzie, SJ Marshall, JF Sallis, TL Conway
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 71 (3), 249-259, 2000
Predictors of change in children’s physical activity over 20 months: variations by gender and level of adiposity
JF Sallis, JE Alcaraz, TL McKenzie, MF Hovell
American journal of preventive medicine 16 (3), 222-229, 1999
Evaluation of a two-year middle-school physical education intervention: M-SPAN
TL McKenzie, JF Sallis, JJ Prochaska, TL Conway, SJ Marshall, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 36 (8), 1382-1388, 2004
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