Maitre de conférences HDR (INSA de Lyon), ingénieur de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon
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Nanophotonic devices for optical interconnect
D Van Thourhout, T Spuesens, SK Selvaraja, L Liu, G Roelkens, R Kumar, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (5), 1363-1375, 2010
Development of silicon photonics devices using microelectronic tools for the integration on top of a CMOS wafer.
JM Fedeli, L Di Cioccio, D Marris-Morini, L Vivien, R Orobtchouk, ...
Advances in Optical Technologies, 2008
Photonic nanostructures for advanced light trapping in thin crystalline silicon solar cells
C Trompoukis, I Abdo, R Cariou, I Cosme, W Chen, O Deparis, A Dmitriev, ...
physica status solidi (a) 212 (1), 140-155, 2015
Compact integration of optical sources and detectors on SOI for optical interconnects fabricated in a 200 mm CMOS pilot line
T Spuesens, F Mandorlo, P Rojo-Romeo, P Régreny, N Olivier, JM Fedeli, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 30 (11), 1764-1770, 2012
Incorporation of a Photonic Layer at the Metallizations Levels of a CMOS Circuit
JM Fedeli, M Migette, L Di Cioccio, L El Melhaoui, R Orobtchouk, ...
3rd IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2006., 200-202, 2006
Tunnel junction I (V) characteristics: Review and a new model for pn homojunctions
N Moulin, M Amara, F Mandorlo, M Lemiti
Journal of applied physics 126 (3), 2019
Temperature and color management of silicon solar cells for building integrated photovoltaic
M Amara, F Mandorlo, R Couderc, F Gerenton, M Lemiti
EPJ Photovoltaics 9, 1, 2018
Monolithic integration of diluted-nitride III–VN compounds on silicon substrates: toward the III–V/Si concentrated photovoltaics
O Durand, S Almosni, Y Ping Wang, C Cornet, A Létoublon, C Robert, ...
Energy Harvesting and Systems 1 (3-4), 147-156, 2014
Compact modulated and tunable microdisk laser using vertical coupling and a feedback loop
F Mandorlo, P Rojo-Romeo, X Letartre, R Orobtchouk, P Viktorovitch
Optics express 18 (19), 19612-16925, 2010
Vertical microcavities based on photonic crystal mirrors for III-V/Si integrated microlasers
L Ferrier, S Boutami, F Mandorlo, X Letartre, PR Romeo, P Viktorovitch, ...
Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices VIII 6989, 213-224, 2008
Controlled multi-wavelength emission in full cmos compatible micro-lasers for on chip interconnections
F Mandorlo, PR Romeo, N Olivier, L Ferrier, R Orobtchouk, X Letartre, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 30 (19), 3073-3080, 2012
Nanophotonics-based low-temperature PECVD epitaxial crystalline silicon solar cells
W Chen, R Cariou, M Foldyna, V Depauw, C Trompoukis, E Drouard, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (12), 125603, 2016
Pattern of partial rear contacts for silicon solar cells
F Gérenton, F Mandorlo, JB Brette, M Lemiti
Energy Procedia 77, 677-686, 2015
A simple perturbative analysis for fast design of an electrically pumped micro-disk laser
F Mandorlo, PR Romeo, X Letartre, P Viktorovitch
Optics Express 17 (1), 70-79, 2009
3D electro-optical simulations for improving the photon detection probability of SPAD implemented in FD-SOI CMOS technology
S Gao, D Issartel, R Orobtchouk, F Mandorlo, D Golanski, A Cathelin, ...
2021 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and …, 2021
200mm wafer scale III-V/SOI technology for all-optical network-on-chip and signal processing
L Liu, T Spuesens, D Van Thourhout, G Morthier, L Grenouillet, N Olivier, ...
Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2010 7th IEEE International Conference on, 7-9, 2010
Integration of an electrically driven InGaAsP based microdisk laser with a silicon based passive photonic circuit
P Rojo-Romeo, J Van Campenhout, F Mandorlo, C Seassal, X Letartre, ...
2007 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2007
Advanced simulation of a PV module’s color
KR McIntosh, M Amara, F Mandorlo, MD Abbott, BA Sudbury
AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (1), 2018
Color management of semi-transparent nano-patterned surfaces
F Mandorlo, M Amara, HS Nguyen, A Charlety-Meano, A Belarouci, ...
Optical Engineering 60 (5), 055101-055101, 2021
Energy converting layers for thin-film flexible photovoltaic structures
K Znajdek, N Szczecińska, M Sibiński, P Czarnecki, G Wiosna-Sałyga, ...
Open Physics 16 (1), 820-825, 2018
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Artikel 1–20