Marion Händel
Marion Händel
University of Applied Sciences Ansbach, Germany
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Emergency remote teaching in higher education: Mapping the first global online semester
M Bond, S Bedenlier, VI Marín, M Händel
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18, 1-24, 2021
Digital readiness and its effects on higher education students’ socio-emotional perceptions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
M Händel, M Stephan, M Gläser-Zikuda, B Kopp, S Bedenlier, A Ziegler
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 54 (2), 267-280, 2020
A computer-based approach to fostering motivation and self-regulated learning
M Dresel, M Haugwitz
The Journal of Experimental Education 77 (1), 3-20, 2008
Assessing metacognitive knowledge: Development and evaluation of a test instrument
M Händel, C Artelt, S Weinert
Journal for Educational Research Online/Journal für Bildungsforschung Online …, 2013
The relationship between cognitive abilities and self‐regulated learning: evidence for interactions with academic self‐concept and gender
M Dresel, M Haugwitz
High ability studies 16 (02), 201-218, 2006
Cognitive ability and the instructional efficacy of collaborative concept mapping
M Haugwitz, JC Nesbit, A Sandmann
Learning and individual differences 20 (5), 536-543, 2010
“Generation invisible?. Higher education students’(non) use of webcams in synchronous online learning
S Bedenlier, I Wunder, M Gläser-Zikuda, R Kammerl, B Kopp, A Ziegler, ...
International Journal of Educational Research Open 2, 100068, 2021
Individual differences in local and global metacognitive judgments
M Händel, ABH de Bruin, M Dresel
Metacognition and Learning, 1-25, 2020
Enhanced monitoring accuracy and test performance: Incremental effects of judgment training over and above repeated testing
M Händel, B Harder, M Dresel
Learning and Instruction 65, 101245, 2020
Unskilled but subjectively aware: Metacognitive monitoring ability and respective awareness in low-performing students
M Händel, ES Fritzsche
Memory & Cognition 44, 229-241, 2016
E-portfolio use and its effects on exam performance–a field study
M Händel, B Wimmer, A Ziegler
Studies in Higher Education 45 (2), 258-270, 2020
Student perceptions of high-achieving classmates
M Händel, W Vialle, A Ziegler
High ability studies 24 (2), 99-114, 2013
10 Motivational concepts and personality aspects across the life course
F Wohlkinger, H Ditton, J von Maurice, M Haugwitz, HP Blossfeld
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 2 (14), 155-168, 2011
Confidence in performance judgment accuracy: The unskilled and unaware effect revisited
M Händel, M Dresel
Metacognition and Learning, 2018
Kontextorientiertes Lernen und Concept Mapping im Fach Biologie: eine experimentelle Untersuchung zum Einfluss auf Interesse und Leistung unter Berücksichtigung von …
M Haugwitz
The webcam and student engagement in synchronous online learning: visually or verbally?
M Händel, S Bedenlier, B Kopp, M Gläser-Zikuda, R Kammerl, A Ziegler
Education and Information Technologies 27 (7), 10405-10428, 2022
Self-regulated resource management in emergency remote higher education: status quo and predictors
N Naujoks, S Bedenlier, M Gläser-Zikuda, R Kammerl, B Kopp, A Ziegler, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 672741, 2021
Kooperatives Concept Mapping in Biologie: Effekte auf den Wissenserwerb und die Behaltensleistung
M Haugwitz, A Sandmann
Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften 15, 89–107, 2009
Testing pays off twice: Potentials of practice tests and feedback regarding exam performance and judgment accuracy
N Naujoks, B Harder, M Händel
Metacognition and Learning 17 (2), 479-498, 2022
What do second-order judgments tell us about low-performing students’ metacognitive awareness?
ES Fritzsche, M Händel, S Kröner
Metacognition and Learning 13 (2), 159-177, 2018
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