Sabine Reich
Sabine Reich
Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen
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Social media ostracism: The effects of being excluded online
FM Schneider, B Zwillich, MJ Bindl, FR Hopp, S Reich, P Vorderer
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 385-393, 2017
Permanently online and permanently connected: Development and validation of the Online Vigilance Scale
L Reinecke, C Klimmt, A Meier, S Reich, D Hefner, K Knop-Huelss, ...
PloS one 13 (10), e0205384, 2018
Zero Likes–Symbolic interactions and need satisfaction online
S Reich, FM Schneider, L Heling
Computers in Human Behavior 80, 97-102, 2018
Individual differences in need to belong in users of social networking sites
S Reich, P Vorderer
Communication and community 129, 2013
Not only for the (tom) boys: gender variables as predictors for playing motivations, passion, and addiction for MMORPGs
J Kneer, S Franken, S Reich
Simulation & Gaming 50 (1), 44-61, 2019
Methodological challenges of POPC for communication research
FM Schneider, S Reich, L Reinecke
Permanently Online, Permanently Connected, 29-39, 2017
No Likes–no control? Examining the role of coping deprivation and social anxiety in social media ostracism
S Reich, FM Schneider, B Zwillich
Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-14, 2023
Media as powerful coping tools to recover from social exclusion experiences? A systematic review on need restoration and emotion regulation through using media
S Lutz, FM Schneider, S Reich
Media Psychology 26 (4), 388-413, 2023
Online games, Player experiences in
S Reich, P Vorderer
The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, 1-12, 2015
’Türkisch für Anfänger’–ein raffiniertes Spiel mit ethnischen Klischees?
J Henning, F Spitzner, S Reich
Medien und Diversity, 19, 2012
A systematic gender perspective on entertainment theory
S Reich
The oxford handbook of entertainment theory, 81-102, 2021
The CSI cultivation effect: The influences of need for closure and narrative engageability
H Bilandzic, R Busselle, F Spitzner, A Kalch, S Reich
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago, 2009
Do sexist comments hinder participation in online political discussions? A preregistered experiment.
S Reich, M Bachl
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 2023
Computational communication science| crafting a strategic roadmap for computational methods in communication science: Learnings from the CCS 2018 Conference in Hanover–Commentary
J Niemann-Lenz, S Bruns, D Hefner, K Knop-Hülß, D Possler, S Reich, ...
International Journal of Communication 13, 9, 2019
Crafting a strategic roadmap for computational methods in communication science: Learnings from the CCS 2018 conference in Hanover
J Niemann-Lenz, S Bruns, D Hefner, K Knop-Huelss, D Possler, S Reich, ...
International Journal of Communication 13, 3885-3893, 2019
No Likes-no control: Cyberostracism and loss of control in the socially anxious
B Zwillich, S Reich, FM Schneider
Prevalence of online harassment in German men and women
S Reich, M Bachl
OSF, 2022
A construal level theory approach to health media effects
S Reich
Gute Unterhaltung?! Lernen und Bildung mit unterhaltenden Medienangeboten
FM Schneider, K Knop-Huelss, N Krömer, S Reich, C Weinmann
The In-Mind: IM [deutsche Ausgabe] 5 (3), 1-3, 2014
Fictional friends and enemies as first aid after ostracism? Experimentally investigating the potential of para-/orthosocial relationships in belongingness need restoration and …
S Lutz, FM Schneider, S Reich, M Schimmel, H Oechler, L Beinlich
Human Communication Research, hqae009, 2024
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