Nils B. Kroemer
Nils B. Kroemer
Professor of Medical Psychology, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Bonn
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International consensus based review and recommendations for minimum reporting standards in research on transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (version 2020)
AD Farmer, A Strzelczyk, A Finisguerra, AV Gourine, A Gharabaghi, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 14, 568051, 2021
Basolateral amygdala response to food cues in the absence of hunger is associated with weight gain susceptibility
X Sun, NB Kroemer, MG Veldhuizen, AE Babbs, IE de Araujo, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (20), 7964-7976, 2015
Fasting levels of ghrelin covary with the brain response to food pictures
NB Kroemer, L Krebs, A Kobiella, O Grimm, M Pilhatsch, M Bidlingmaier, ...
Addiction biology 18 (5), 855-862, 2013
Elevated cognitive control over reward processing in recovered female patients with anorexia nervosa
S Ehrlich, D Geisler, F Ritschel, JA King, M Seidel, I Boehm, M Breier, ...
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 40 (5), 307-315, 2015
It takes two to be yourself
M Knoll, B Meyer, NB Kroemer, M Schröder-Abé
Journal of Individual Differences, 2015
Integration of sweet taste and metabolism determines carbohydrate reward
MG Veldhuizen, RK Babbs, B Patel, W Fobbs, NB Kroemer, E Garcia, ...
Current Biology 27 (16), 2476-2485. e6, 2017
Fuel not fun: Reinterpreting attenuated brain responses to reward in obesity
NB Kroemer, DM Small
Physiology & Behavior 162, 37-45, 2016
Addressing the reliability fallacy in fMRI: Similar group effects may arise from unreliable individual effects
JH Fröhner, V Teckentrup, MN Smolka, NB Kroemer
NeuroImage 195, 174-189, 2019
(Still) longing for food: insulin reactivity modulates response to food pictures
NB Kroemer, L Krebs, A Kobiella, O Grimm, S Vollstädt‐Klein, ...
Human brain mapping 34 (10), 2367-2380, 2013
Vagus nerve stimulation boosts the drive to work for rewards
MP Neuser, V Teckentrup, A Kühnel, M Hallschmid, M Walter, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3555, 2020
Does transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation affect vagally mediated heart rate variability? A living and interactive Bayesian meta‐analysis
V Wolf, A Kühnel, V Teckentrup, J Koenig, NB Kroemer
Psychophysiology 58 (11), e13933, 2021
No association of goal‐directed and habitual control with alcohol consumption in young adults
S Nebe, NB Kroemer, DJ Schad, N Bernhardt, M Sebold, DK Müller, ...
Addiction biology 23 (1), 379-393, 2018
Balancing reward and work: anticipatory brain activation in NAcc and VTA predict effort differentially
NB Kroemer, A Guevara, IC Teodorescu, F Wuttig, A Kobiella, MN Smolka
Neuroimage 102, 510-519, 2014
Personality and substance use: psychometric evaluation and validation of the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) in English, Irish, French, and German adolescents
S Jurk, S Kuitunen‐Paul, NB Kroemer, E Artiges, T Banaschewski, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39 (11), 2234-2248, 2015
Acute and chronic nicotine effects on behaviour and brain activation during intertemporal decision making
A Kobiella, S Ripke, NB Kroemer, C Vollmert, S Vollstädt‐Klein, ...
Addiction Biology 19 (5), 918-930, 2014
L-DOPA reduces model-free control of behavior by attenuating the transfer of value to action
NB Kroemer, Y Lee, S Pooseh, B Eppinger, T Goschke, MN Smolka
Neuroimage 186, 113-125, 2019
Don't think, just feel the music: Individuals with strong Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer effects rely less on model-based reinforcement learning
M Sebold, DJ Schad, S Nebe, M Garbusow, E Jünger, NB Kroemer, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 28 (7), 985-995, 2016
Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation boosts mood recovery after effort exertion
M Ferstl, V Teckentrup, WM Lin, F Kräutlein, A Kühnel, J Klaus, M Walter, ...
Psychological Medicine 52 (14), 3029-3039, 2022
Non-invasive stimulation of vagal afferents reduces gastric frequency
V Teckentrup, S Neubert, JCP Santiago, M Hallschmid, M Walter, ...
Brain stimulation 13 (2), 470-473, 2020
Sweet taste potentiates the reinforcing effects of e-cigarettes
NB Kroemer, MG Veldhuizen, R Delvy, BP Patel, SS O'Malley, DM Small
European Neuropsychopharmacology 28 (10), 1089-1102, 2018
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