Volker Gast
Volker Gast
Professor of English Linguistics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
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Understanding English-German Contrasts
E König, V Gast
(No Title), 2009
The Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications, reproducible analysis of cross-linguistic polysemies
C Rzymski, T Tresoldi, SJ Greenhill, MS Wu, NE Schweikhard, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 13, 2020
Scalar additive operators in the languages of Europe
V Gast, J Van der Auwera
Language, 2-54, 2011
Focused assertion of identity: A typology of intensifiers
E König, V Gast
Walter de Gruyter 10 (2), 223-276, 2006
Contrastive linguistics: Theories and methods
V Gast
Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Science: Linguistic theory and …, 2012
Reciprocals and Reflexives
E König, V Gast
Theoretical and Typological Explorations. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin–New York, 2008
The grammar of identity: Intensifiers and reflexives in Germanic languages
V Gast
Routledge, 2006
Rethinking the relationship between SELF-intensifiers and reflexives
V Gast, P Siemund
Walter de Gruyter 44 (2), 343-381, 2006
Towards a distributional typology of human impersonal pronouns, based on data from European languages
V Gast, J Van der Auwera
Languages across boundaries: Studies in the memory of Anna Siewierska, 119-158, 2013
Impersonal uses of the second person singular: A pragmatic analysis of generalization and empathy effects
V Gast, L Deringer, F Haas, O Rudolf
Journal of Pragmatics 88, 148-162, 2015
What is ‘contact-induced grammaticalization’? Examples from Mayan and Mixe-Zoquean languages
V Gast, J van der Auwera
Grammatical replication and grammatical borrowing in language contact, 2012
An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action
H Anzt, F Bach, S Druskat, F Löffler, A Loewe, BY Renard, G Seemann, ...
F1000Research 9, 295, 2021
The languages of Southern New Guinea
N Evans, M Carroll, W Arka, C Döhler, V Gast, E Kashima, E Mittag, ...
The Languages and Linguistics of New Guinea: A Comprehensive Guide, 641-774, 2018
Reflexive pronouns and other uses of self-forms in English
E König, V Gast
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 225-38, 2002
Contrastive analysis
V Gast
Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Language Learning, 2012
On the use of translation corpora in contrastive linguistics: A case study of impersonalization in English and German
V Gast
Languages in Contrast 15 (1), 4-33, 2015
On reciprocal and reflexive uses of anaphors in German and other European languages
V Gast, F Haas
Reciprocals and reflexives: Theoretical and typological explorations, 2008
Reciprocity and reflexivity–description, typology and theory
E König, V Gast
Reciprocals and reflexives: Theoretical and typological explorations, 1-32, 2008
I gave it him—on the motivation of the ‘alternative double object construction’in varieties of British English
V Gast
Functions of Language 14 (1), 31-56, 2007
Categories and prototypes
J van der Auwera, V Gast
The Oxford Handbook of Language Typology, 2011
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