Mikko Pitkänen
Mikko Pitkänen
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
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Message fragmentation in opportunistic DTNs
M Pitkanen, A Keranen, J Ott
2008 International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia …, 2008
Comparison of hypotensive epidural anaesthesia and spinal anaesthesia on blood loss and coagulation during and after total hip arthroplasty Note
TT Niemi, M Pitkänen, M Syrjälä, PH Rosenberg
Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica 44 (4), 457-464, 2000
Adaptive routing in mobile opportunistic networks
J Lakkakorpi, M Pitkänen, J Ott
Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis …, 2010
SCAMPI: Service platform for social aware mobile and pervasive computing
M Pitkänen, T Kärkkäinen, J Ott, M Conti, A Passarella, S Giordano, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 42 (4), 503-508, 2012
Redundancy and distributed caching in mobile dtns
MJ Pitkänen, J Ott
Proceedings of 2nd ACM/IEEE international workshop on Mobility in the …, 2007
Dtn-based content storage and retrieval
J Ott, MJ Pitkanen
2007 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2007
Searching for content in mobile DTNs
M Pitkanen, T Karkkainen, J Greifenberg, J Ott
2009 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2009
Effect of non-cooperative nodes in mobile DTNs
A Keränen, M Pitkänen, M Vuori, J Ott
2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2011
Opportunistic web access via wlan hotspots
M Pitkänen, T Kärkkäinen, J Ott
2010 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2010
Using buffer space advertisements to avoid congestion in mobile opportunistic DTNs
J Lakkakorpi, M Pitkänen, J Ott
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 9th IFIP TC 6 International …, 2011
Erasure codes for increasing the availability of grid data storage
M Pitkanen, R Moussa, M Swany, T Niemi
Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on …, 2006
Medical visual information retrieval: State of the art and challenges ahead
H Muller, X Zhou, A Depeursinge, M Pitkanen, J Iavindrasana, ...
2007 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo, 683-686, 2007
Enabling ad-hoc-style communication in public wlan hot-spots
T Kärkkäinen, M Pitkänen, J Ott
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 17 (1), 4-13, 2013
Scampi application platform
T Kärkkäinen, M Pitkänen, P Houghton, J Ott
Proceedings of the seventh ACM international workshop on Challenged networks …, 2012
Enabling opportunistic storage for mobile DTNs
MJ Pitkänen, J Ott
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4 (5), 579-594, 2008
Mobility and service discovery in opportunistic networks
M Pitkänen, T Kärkkäinen, J Ott
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2012
Practical voice communications in challenged networks
MT Islam, A Turkulainen, T Kärkkäinen, M Pitkänen, J Ott
Proceedings of the ExtremeCom workshop, 2009
KnowARC: enabling Grid networks for the biomedical research community
N Jacq
From Genes to Personalized Healthcare: Grid Solutions for the Life Sciences …, 2007
Energy-efficient adaptive interface activation for delay/disruption tolerant networks
H Izumikawa, M Pitkänen, A Timm-Giel, C Bormann
2010 The 12th international conference on advanced communication technology …, 2010
Using the grid for enhancing the performance of a medical image search engine
MJ Pitkanen, X Zhou, AEJ Hyvarinen, H Muller
2008 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2008
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