Dirk Burghardt
Dirk Burghardt
Professor of Cartographic Communication
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An approach for the classification of urban building structures based on discriminant analysis techniques
S Steiniger, T Lange, D Burghardt, R Weibel
Transactions in GIS 12 (1), 31-59, 2008
How much information is geospatially referenced? Networks and cognition
S Hahmann, D Burghardt
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27 (6), 1171-1189, 2013
Cartographic displacement using the snakes concept
D Burghardt, S Meier
Semantic modeling for the acquisition of topographic information from images …, 1997
Methodology for evaluating automated map generalization in commercial software
J Stoter, D Burghardt, C Duchêne, B Baella, N Bakker, C Blok, M Pla, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (5), 311-324, 2009
Generalization services on the web—classification and an initial prototype implementation
D Burghardt, M Neun, R Weibel
Cartography and geographic information science 32 (4), 257-268, 2005
Mesh simplification for building typification
D Burghardt, A Cecconi
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21 (3), 283-298, 2007
Integrating ontological modelling and Bayesian inference for pattern classification in topographic vector data
P Lüscher, R Weibel, D Burghardt
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (5), 363-374, 2009
Integrating and generalising volunteered geographic information
M Sester, J Jokar Arsanjani, R Klammer, D Burghardt, JH Haunert, ...
Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and …, 2014
Investigations on cartographic constraint formalisation
D Burghardt, S Schmid, J Stoter
Workshop of the ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation …, 2007
Twitter location (sometimes) matters: Exploring the relationship between georeferenced tweet content and nearby feature classes
S Hahmann, R Purves, D Burghardt
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 1-36, 2014
Controlled line smoothing by snakes
D Burghardt
GeoInformatica 9, 237-252, 2005
A conceptual framework for studying collective reactions to events in location-based social media
A Dunkel, G Andrienko, N Andrienko, D Burghardt, E Hauthal, R Purves
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33 (4), 780-804, 2019
Proximity-based grouping of buildings in urban blocks: a comparison of four algorithms
S Cetinkaya, M Basaraner, D Burghardt
Geocarto International 30 (6), 618-632, 2015
Portrayal and generalisation of point maps for mobile information services
A Edwardes, D Burghardt, R Weibel
Map-based mobile services: theories, methods and implementations, 11-30, 2005
Usage of principal component analysis in the process of automated generalisation
D Burghardt, S Steiniger
Proceedings of 22nd international cartographic conference, 9-16, 2005
Multi-representation databases with explicitly modeled horizontal, vertical, and update relations
M Bobzien, D Burghardt, I Petzold, M Neun, R Weibel
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 35 (1), 3-16, 2008
State-of-the-art of automated generalisation in commercial software
J Stoter, B Baella, CA Blok, D Burghardt, C Duchêne, M Pla, N Regnauld, ...
EuroSDR, 2010
Mapping space-related emotions out of user-generated photo metadata considering grammatical issues
E Hauthal, D Burghardt
The Cartographic Journal 53 (1), 78-90, 2016
Data enrichment for adaptive generalisation
M Neun, R Weibel, D Burghardt
ICA workshop on Generalisation and Multiple representation, 20-21, 2004
Automated processing for map generalization using web services
M Neun, D Burghardt, R Weibel
GeoInformatica 13, 425-452, 2009
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