Michael Schnabel
Michael Schnabel
Vanderbilt University
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Universality in the evolution of orientation columns in the visual cortex
M Kaschube, M Schnabel, S Löwel, DM Coppola, LE White, F Wolf
science 330 (6007), 1113-1116, 2010
Response to comment on “universality in the evolution of orientation columns in the visual cortex “
W Keil, M Kaschube, M Schnabel, ZF Kisvarday, S Löwel, DM Coppola, ...
Science 336 (6080), 413-413, 2012
Self-organization and the selection of pinwheel density in visual cortical development
M Kaschube, M Schnabel, F Wolf
New journal of physics 10 (1), 015009, 2008
Dynamic transcription factor networks in epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer models
A Siletz, M Schnabel, E Kniazeva, AJ Schumacher, S Shin, JS Jeruss, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e57180, 2013
Interareal coordination of columnar architectures during visual cortical development
M Kaschube, M Schnabel, F Wolf, S Löwel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (40), 17205-17210, 2009
Random waves in the brain: Symmetries and defect generation in the visual cortex
M Schnabel, M Kaschube, S Löwel, F Wolf
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 145, 137-157, 2007
Stock fluctuations are correlated and amplified across networks of interlocking directorates
S Saavedra, LJ Gilarranz, RP Rohr, M Schnabel, B Uzzi, J Bascompte
EPJ Data Science 3, 1-11, 2014
Pinwheel stability, pattern selection and the geometry of visual space
M Schnabel, M Kaschube, F Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:0801.3832, 2008
A symmetry of the visual world in the architecture of the visual cortex
M Schnabel
Ph. D. thesis, University of Göttingen, 2008
Fake symmetry transitions in lattice Dirac spectra
M Schnabel, T Wettig
Physical Review D 62 (3), 034501, 2000
Signatures of shift-twist symmetry in natural images and orientation maps
M Schnabel, M Kaschube, LE White, D Coppola, S Löwel, F Wolf
FENS Abstracts, 2006
Shift-twist Symmetry in natural images and orientation maps
M Schnabel, M Kaschube, LE White, D Coppola, S Löwel, F Wolf
A Conceptual Introduction to Quantum Theory
M Schnabel
Quantum International Relations: A Human Science for World Politics, 89-114, 2022
Universal pinwheel statistics in the visual cortex
M Kaschube, M Schnabel, S Löwel, D Coppola, LE White, F Wolf
A Formal Theory of Public Opinion
D Diermeier, M Schnabel
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 20 (1), 101-137, 2025
Eine Symmetrie der visuellen Welt in der Architektur des visuellen Kortex.
M Schnabel
Göttingen University, Max Planck Institute for Self-Organization, 2009
Pattern selection, pinwheel stability and the geometry of visual space
M Schnabel, M Kaschube, LE White, F Wolf
BMC Neuroscience 10, 1-2, 2009
A Symmetry of the Visual World in the Architecture of the Visual Cortex. (PhD Thesis)
M Schnabel
Göttingen University, 2008
Quantitative universality and non-local interactions in neural pattern formation
M Kaschube, M Schnabel, S Loewel, D Coppola, L White, F Wolf
APS March Meeting Abstracts, B16. 001, 2008
Emergence of hyper-hexagonal patterns in orientation map models of reduced rotation symmetry
W Keil, M Schnabel, F Wolf
APS March Meeting Abstracts, J17. 009, 2008
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