Roman Bartak
Roman Bartak
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Multi-agent pathfinding: Definitions, variants, and benchmarks
R Stern, N Sturtevant, A Felner, S Koenig, H Ma, T Walker, J Li, D Atzmon, ...
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 10 (1 …, 2019
Constraint programming: In pursuit of the holy grail
R Barták
Proceedings of the Week of Doctoral Students (WDS99) 4, 555-564, 1999
Constraint satisfaction techniques in planning and scheduling
R Barták, MA Salido, F Rossi
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 21, 5-15, 2010
On-line guide to constraint programming
R Barták
Roman Barták, 1998
Theory and practice of constraint propagation
R Barták
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Constraint Programming in Decision and …, 2001
Online multi-agent pathfinding
J Švancara, M Vlk, R Stern, D Atzmon, R Barták
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 7732-7739, 2019
Robust multi-agent path finding
D Atzmon, R Stern, A Felner, G Wagner, R Barták, NF Zhou
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 9 (1), 2-9, 2018
Minimal perturbation problem in course timetabling
T Müller, H Rudová, R Barták
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V: 5th International Conference …, 2005
New trends in constraint satisfaction, planning, and scheduling: a survey
R Barták, MA Salido, F Rossi
The Knowledge Engineering Review 25 (3), 249-279, 2010
A New Algorithm for Singleton Arc Consistency.
R Barták, R Erben
FLAIRS, 257-262, 2004
Incomplete depth-first search techniques: A short survey
R Barták
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Constraint Programming for Decision and …, 2004
Robust multi-agent path finding and executing
D Atzmon, R Stern, A Felner, G Wagner, R Barták, NF Zhou
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 67, 549-579, 2020
Constraint programming: What is behind
R Barták
Proceedings of CPDC99, 7-15, 1999
Extension of O(n log n) Filtering Algorithms for the Unary Resource Constraint to Optional Activities
P Vilím, R Barták, O Čepek
Constraints 10, 403-425, 2005
Planning and acting with temporal and hierarchical decomposition models
F Dvorak, R Barták, A Bit-Monnot, F Ingrand, M Ghallab
2014 IEEE 26th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2014
Any object tracking and following by a flying drone
R Bartak, A Vykovský
2015 Fourteenth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2015
Modeling and solving the multi-agent pathfinding problem in picat
R Barták, NF Zhou, R Stern, E Boyarski, P Surynek
2017 IEEE 29th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2017
A new approach to modeling and solving minimal perturbation problems
R Barták, T Müller, H Rudová
International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic …, 2003
Temporal Networks with Alternatives: Complexity and Model.
R Barták, O Cepek
FLAIRS 2007, 641-646, 2007
Dynamic constraint models for planning and scheduling problems
R Barták
Compulog Net/ERCIM Workshop on Constraints, 237-255, 1999
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Artikel 1–20