Pascal Brunner
Pascal Brunner
PhD Student, Technical University Munich / Research Center CARISSMA
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Virtual safety performance assessment for automated driving in complex urban traffic scenarios
P Brunner, F Denk, W Huber, R Kates
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 679-685, 2019
Impact of hand signals on safety: Two controlled studies with novice e-scooter riders
A Löcken, P Brunner, R Kates
12th international conference on automotive user interfaces and interactive …, 2020
Analysis of experimental data on dynamics and behavior of e-scooter riders and applications to the impact of automated driving functions on urban road safety
P Brunner, A Löcken, F Denk, R Kates, W Huber
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 219-225, 2020
A mobile application for resolving bicyclist and automated vehicle interactions at intersections
J Lindner, G Grigoropoulos, A Keler, P Malcolm, F Denk, P Brunner, ...
2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 785-791, 2022
Assessment of traffic safety interventions using virtual randomized controlled trials: potential of connected and automated driving including V2X for collision reduction at …
F Denk, P Brunner, W Huber, M Margreiter, K Bogenberger, R Kates
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
The role of perceptual failure and degrading processes in urban traffic accidents: a stochastic computational model for virtual experiments
F Denk, W Huber, P Brunner, R Kates
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
A coupled driving simulator to investigate the interaction between bicycles and automated vehicles
J Lindner, A Keler, G Grigoropoulos, P Malcolm, F Denk, P Brunner, ...
2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2022
Design of an experiment to pinpoint cognitive failure processes in the interaction of motorists and vulnerable road users
F Denk, F Fröhling, P Brunner, W Huber, M Margreiter, K Bogenberger, ...
2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1-8, 2023
Safety impacts of rising urban micromobility: statistical analysis of e-scooter use and risky rider behavior in Ingolstadt, Germany
P Brunner, V Singh, F Denk, M Margreiter, W Huber, K Bogenberger, ...
16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, 2022
An E-Scooter Safety Experiment–Design, Methodology and Results
P Brunner, T von dem Bussche-Hünnefeld, F Denk, W Huber, ...
Transportation Research Board 101st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2022
Varying Bicycle Infrastructures-An Interconnected Simulator Study for Inspecting Motorist-Cyclist Conflicts
A Keler, F Denk, P Brunner, G Grigoropoulos, P Malcolm, K Bogenberger
DSC 2021-20th Driving Simulation & Virtual Reality Conference (DSC 2021), 2021
Quantification of Quality and Efficiency of Human Gaze Strategies Using the Example of Interactions between Motorists and Vulnerable Road Users
F Denk, F Fröhling, P Brunner, W Huber, M Margreiter, K Bogenberger, ...
Available at SSRN 4772737, 0
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Articles 1–12