Stefan Haderlein
Stefan Haderlein
Professor für Umweltmineralogie und Umweltchemie, Universität Tübingen
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Reduction of substituted nitrobenzenes by Fe (II) in aqueous mineral suspensions
J Klausen, SP Troeber, SB Haderlein, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental science & technology 29 (9), 2396-2404, 1995
Specific adsorption of nitroaromatic explosives and pesticides to clay minerals
SB Haderlein, KW Weissmahr, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental Science & Technology 30 (2), 612-622, 1996
Reactivity of Fe (II)-bearing minerals toward reductive transformation of organic contaminants
M Elsner, RP Schwarzenbach, SB Haderlein
Environmental science & technology 38 (3), 799-807, 2004
Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of organic contaminants in natural environments: a critical review of the state of the art, prospects, and future challenges
TC Schmidt, L Zwank, M Elsner, M Berg, RU Meckenstock, SB Haderlein
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 378, 283-300, 2004
Magnetite and green rust: synthesis, properties, and environmental applications of mixed-valent iron minerals
M Usman, JM Byrne, A Chaudhary, S Orsetti, K Hanna, C Ruby, A Kappler, ...
Chemical reviews 118 (7), 3251-3304, 2018
Adsorption of substituted nitrobenzenes and nitrophenols to mineral surfaces
SB Haderlein, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental Science & Technology 27 (2), 316-326, 1993
Complete reduction of TNT and other (poly) nitroaromatic compounds under iron-reducing subsurface conditions
TB Hofstetter, CG Heijman, SB Haderlein, C Holliger, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental science & technology 33 (9), 1479-1487, 1999
Reduction of polyhalogenated methanes by surface-bound Fe (II) in aqueous suspensions of iron oxides
K Pecher, SB Haderlein, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental science & technology 36 (8), 1734-1741, 2002
Reactivity of Fe (II) species associated with clay minerals
TB Hofstetter, RP Schwarzenbach, SB Haderlein
Environmental science & technology 37 (3), 519-528, 2003
New evaluation scheme for two-dimensional isotope analysis to decipher biodegradation processes: application to groundwater contamination by MTBE
L Zwank, M Berg, M Elsner, TC Schmidt, RP Schwarzenbach, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (4), 1018-1029, 2005
MTBE oxidation by conventional ozonation and the combination ozone/hydrogen peroxide: efficiency of the processes and bromate formation
JL Acero, SB Haderlein, TC Schmidt, MJF Suter, U von Gunten
Environmental science & technology 35 (21), 4252-4259, 2001
Natural organic matter as reductant for chlorinated aliphatic pollutants
A Kappler, SB Haderlein
Environmental science & technology 37 (12), 2714-2719, 2003
Microbial degradation of methyl tert-butyl ether and tert-butyl alcohol in the subsurface
TC Schmidt, M Schirmer, H Weiß, SB Haderlein
Journal of contaminant hydrology 70 (3-4), 173-203, 2004
Fenton oxidation to remediate PAHs in contaminated soils: a critical review of major limitations and counter-strategies
M Usman, K Hanna, S Haderlein
Science of the Total Environment 569, 179-190, 2016
Oxidation of Substituted Anilines by Aqueous MnO2:  Effect of Co-Solutes on Initial and Quasi-Steady-State Kinetics
J Klausen, SB Haderlein, RP Schwarzenbach
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (9), 2642-2649, 1997
Aqueous speciation and 1-octanol− water partitioning of tributyl-and triphenyltin: effect of pH and ion composition
CG Arnold, A Weidenhaupt, MM David, SR Müller, SB Haderlein, ...
Environmental science & technology 31 (9), 2596-2602, 1997
In Situ Spectroscopic Investigations of Adsorption Mechanisms of Nitroaromatic Compounds at Clay Minerals
KW Weissmahr, SB Haderlein, RP Schwarzenbach, R Hany, R Nüesch
Environmental science & technology 31 (1), 240-247, 1996
Biomineralization of lepidocrocite and goethite by nitrate-reducing Fe (II)-oxidizing bacteria: effect of pH, bicarbonate, phosphate, and humic acids
P Larese-Casanova, SB Haderlein, A Kappler
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (13), 3721-3734, 2010
Characterization of predominant reductants in an anaerobic leachate-contaminated aquifer by nitroaromatic probe compounds
K Rügge, TB Hofstetter, SB Haderlein, PL Bjerg, S Knudsen, C Zraunig, ...
Environmental science & technology 32 (1), 23-31, 1998
Mechanisms and products of surface-mediated reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride by Fe (II) on goethite
M Elsner, SB Haderlein, T Kellerhals, S Luzi, L Zwank, W Angst, ...
Environmental science & technology 38 (7), 2058-2066, 2004
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