Noël Diepens
Noël Diepens
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Lifetime accumulation of microplastic in children and adults
NH Mohamed Nor, M Kooi, NJ Diepens, AA Koelmans
Environmental science & technology 55 (8), 5084-5096, 2021
Effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on the growth of sediment-rooted macrophytes
S van Weert, PE Redondo-Hasselerharm, NJ Diepens, AA Koelmans
Science of the Total Environment 654, 1040-1047, 2019
Accumulation of plastic debris and associated contaminants in aquatic food webs
NJ Diepens, AA Koelmans
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (15), 8510-8520, 2018
Effect of pesticides used in banana and pineapple plantations on aquatic ecosystems in Costa Rica
NJ Diepens, S Pfennig, PJ Van den Brink, JS Gunnarsson, C Ruepert, ...
Journal of environmental biology 35 (1), 73, 2014
Guidance for the prognostic risk assessment of nanomaterials in aquatic ecosystems
AA Koelmans, NJ Diepens, I Velzeboer, E Besseling, JTK Quik, ...
Science of the Total Environment 535, 141-149, 2015
Sediment toxicity testing of organic chemicals in the context of prospective risk assessment: a review
NJ Diepens, GHP Arts, TCM Brock, H Smidt, PJ Van den Brink, ...
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 44 (3), 255-302, 2014
Extensive drought negates human influence on nutrients and water quality in estuaries
TS Elsdon, MBNA De Bruin, NJ Diepen, BM Gillanders
Science of the total environment 407 (8), 3033-3043, 2009
Weight of evidence for the microplastic vector effect in the context of chemical risk assessment
AA Koelmans, NJ Diepens, NH Mohamed Nor
Microplastic in the Environment: Pattern and Process, 155-197, 2022
Prospective environmental risk assessment for sediment-bound organic chemicals: A proposal for tiered effect assessment
NJ Diepens, AA Koelmans, H Baveco, PJ van den Brink, ...
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 239, 1-77, 2017
Modeling of bioaccumulation in marine benthic invertebrates using a multispecies experimental approach
NJ Diepens, MJ Van den Heuvel-Greve, AA Koelmans
Environmental science & technology 49 (22), 13575-13585, 2015
Trait-based modelling of bioaccumulation by freshwater benthic invertebrates
LA Sidney, NJ Diepens, X Guo, AA Koelmans
Aquatic Toxicology 176, 88-96, 2016
Toxicity effects of an environmental realistic herbicide mixture on the seagrass Zostera noltei
NJ Diepens, E Buffan-Dubau, H Budzinski, J Kallerhoff, G Merlina, ...
Environmental Pollution 222, 393-403, 2017
Dynamics of the seagrass Zostera noltei in a shallow Mediterranean lagoon exposed to chemical contamination and other stressors
D Espel, NJ Diepens, O Boutron, E Buffan-Dubau, Y Chérain, E Coulet, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 222, 1-12, 2019
Assessing microplastic as a vector for chemical entry into fish larvae using a novel tube-feeding approach
S Norland, K Vorkamp, AS Bogevik, AA Koelmans, NJ Diepens, ...
Chemosphere 265, 129144, 2021
Pet dogs transfer veterinary medicines to the environment
NJ Diepens, D Belgers, L Buijse, I Roessink
Science of the Total Environment 858, 159550, 2023
Uptake, translocation, and elimination in sediment-rooted macrophytes: a model-supported analysis of whole sediment test data
NJ Diepens, GHP Arts, A Focks, AA Koelmans
Environmental science & technology 48 (20), 12344-12353, 2014
Effects of sediment-spiked lufenuron on benthic macroinvertebrates in outdoor microcosms and single-species toxicity tests
TCM Brock, DA Bas, JDM Belgers, L Bibbe, MC Boerwinkel, SJH Crum, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 177, 464-475, 2016
Bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by arctic and temperate benthic species
AS Szczybelski, NJ Diepens, MJ van den Heuvel‐Greve, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (4), 883-895, 2019
Response of sediment bacterial community to triclosan in subtropical freshwater benthic microcosms
FJ Peng, NJ Diepens, CG Pan, GG Ying, D Salvito, H Selck, ...
Environmental Pollution 248, 676-683, 2019
Dynamics and recovery of a sediment-exposed Chironomus riparius population: a modelling approach
NJ Diepens, WHJ Beltman, AA Koelmans, PJ Van den Brink, JM Baveco
Environmental Pollution 213, 741-750, 2016
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