Stefan Hoth
Stefan Hoth
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Genome-wide gene expression profiling in Arabidopsis thalianareveals new targets of abscisic acid and largely impaired gene regulation in the abi1-1 mutant
S Hoth, M Morgante, JP Sanchez, MK Hanafey, SV Tingey, NH Chua
Journal of cell science 115 (24), 4891-4900, 2002
Auxin-induced K+ channel expression represents an essential step in coleoptile growth and gravitropism
K Philippar, I Fuchs, H Lüthen, S Hoth, CS Bauer, K Haga, G Thiel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (21), 12186-12191, 1999
The Nicotiana tabacum plasma membrane aquaporin NtAQP1 is mercury‐insensitive and permeable for glycerol
A Biela, K Grote, B Otto, S Hoth, R Hedrich, R Kaldenhoff
The Plant Journal 18 (5), 565-570, 1999
Cloning and electrophysiological analysis of KST1, an inward rectifying K+ channel expressed in potato guard cells.
B Müller‐Röber, J Ellenberg, N Provart, L Willmitzer, H Busch, D Becker, ...
The EMBO Journal 14 (11), 2409-2416, 1995
AKT3, a phloem-localized K+ channel, is blocked by protons
I Marten, S Hoth, R Deeken, P Ache, KA Ketchum, T Hoshi, R Hedrich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (13), 7581-7586, 1999
Regulation of the ABA-sensitive Arabidopsis potassium channel gene GORK in response to water stress
D Becker, S Hoth, P Ache, S Wenkel, MRG Roelfsema, O Meyerhoff, ...
FEBS letters 554 (1-2), 119-126, 2003
Identification of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase that is required for suppression of premature senescence in Arabidopsis
S Raab, G Drechsel, M Zarepour, W Hartung, T Koshiba, F Bittner, S Hoth
The Plant Journal 59 (1), 39-51, 2009
Changes in voltage activation, Cs+ sensitivity, and ion permeability in H5 mutants of the plant K+ channel KAT1.
D Becker, I Dreyer, S HoTH, JD Reid, H Busch, M Lehnen, K Palme, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (15), 8123-8128, 1996
Molecular basis of plant-specific acid activation of K+ uptake channels
S Hoth, I Dreyer, P Dietrich, D Becker, B Müller-Röber, R Hedrich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (9), 4806-4810, 1997
An IQ domain mediates the interaction with calmodulin in a plant cyclic nucleotide-gated channel
C Fischer, A Kugler, S Hoth, P Dietrich
Plant and cell physiology 54 (4), 573-584, 2013
Monitoring genome-wide changes in gene expression in response to endogenous cytokinin reveals targets in Arabidopsis thaliana
S Hoth, Y Ikeda, M Morgante, X Wang, J Zuo, MK Hanafey, T Gaasterland, ...
Febs Letters 554 (3), 373-380, 2003
Early Senescence and Cell Death in Arabidopsis saul1 Mutants Involves the PAD4-Dependent Salicylic Acid Pathway
K Vogelmann, G Drechsel, J Bergler, C Subert, K Philippar, J Soll, ...
Plant physiology 159 (4), 1477-1487, 2012
Nematode infection triggers the de novo formation of unloading phloem that allows macromolecular trafficking of green fluorescent protein into syncytia
S Hoth, A Schneidereit, C Lauterbach, J Scholz-Starke, N Sauer
Plant Physiology 138 (1), 383-392, 2005
Plant U‐box armadillo repeat proteins AtPUB18 and AtPUB19 are involved in salt inhibition of germination in Arabidopsis
J Bergler, S Hoth
Plant Biology 13 (5), 725-730, 2011
Top‐down control of carbon sequestration: grazing affects microbial structure and function in salt marsh soils
P Mueller, D Granse, S Nolte, HT Do, M Weingartner, S Hoth, K Jensen
Ecological Applications 27 (5), 1435-1450, 2017
Arabidopsis thaliana POLYOL/MONOSACCHARIDE TRANSPORTERS 1 and 2: fructose and xylitol/H+ symporters in pollen and young xylem cells
YS Klepek, M Volke, KR Konrad, K Wippel, S Hoth, R Hedrich, N Sauer
Journal of experimental botany 61 (2), 537-550, 2010
C-terminal armadillo repeats are essential and sufficient for association of the plant U-box armadillo E3 ubiquitin ligase SAUL1 with the plasma membrane
G Drechsel, J Bergler, K Wippel, N Sauer, K Vogelmann, S Hoth
Journal of experimental botany 62 (2), 775-785, 2011
Differential vascularization of nematode-induced feeding sites
S Hoth, R Stadler, N Sauer, UZ Hammes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (34), 12617-12622, 2008
Differential expression and regulation of K+ channels in the maize coleoptile: molecular and biophysical analysis of cells isolated from cortex and vasculature
CS Bauer, S Hoth, K Haga, K Philippar, N Aoki, R Hedrich
The Plant Journal 24 (2), 139-145, 2000
Distinct molecular bases for pH sensitivity of the guard cell K+ channels KST1 and KAT1
S Hoth, R Hedrich
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (17), 11599-11603, 1999
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