Sergej Japs
Sergej Japs
achelos GmbH, Senior Security Architect
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Scenarios in the loop: integrated requirements analysis and automotive system validation
C Wiecher, S Japs, L Kaiser, J Greenyer, R Dumitrescu, C Wolff
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International conference on model driven …, 2020
SAVE: Security & safety by model-based systems engineering on the example of automotive industry
S Japs, H Anacker, R Dumitrescu
procedia CIRP 100, 187-192, 2021
Security & safety by model-based requirements engineering
S Japs
2020 IEEE 28th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 422-427, 2020
Resolution of safety relevant security threats in the system architecture design phase on the example of automotive industry
S Japs, H Anacker
Proceedings of the design society 1, 2561-2570, 2021
Method for 3D-environment driven domain knowledge elicitation and system model generation
S Japs, L Kaiser, A Kharatyan
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference 1, 197-206, 2020
Towards the development of the cybersecurity concept according to ISO/SAE 21434 using model-based systems engineering *
S Japs
2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 486-491, 2021
D-REQs: Determination of security & safety requirements in workshops based on the use of model-based systems engineering
S Japs, H Anacker, L Kaiser, J Holtmann, R Dumitrescu, F Kargl
2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops …, 2021
Securing cooperative intersection management through subjective trust networks
F Kargl, N Trkulja, A Hermann, F Sommer, ARF de Lucena, A Kiening, ...
2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), 1-7, 2023
Security-and safety-driven functional architecture development exemplified by automotive systems engineering
A Kharatyan, M Günther, H Anacker, S Japs, R Dumitrescu
Procedia CIRP 109, 586-591, 2022
Why make it hard?-usage of aggregated statistical data for risk assessment of damage scenarios in the context of iso/sae 21434
S Japs, F Kargl, H Anacker, R Dumitrescu
Procedia CIRP 109, 293-298, 2022
Metamodel for safety and security integrated system architecture modeling
A Kharatyan, J Tekaat, S Japs, H Anacker, R Dumitrescu
Proceedings of the Design Society 1, 2027-2036, 2021
Model-Based Systems Engineering using Security Design Patterns in the context of ISO/SAE 21434
S Japs, F Faheem, H Anacker, S Husung, R Dumitrescu
Proceedings of the Design Society 3, 2675-2684, 2023
Collaborative Modeling of Use Case & Damage Scenarios in Online Workshops Using a 3D Environment
S Japs, S Schmidt, F Kargl, L Kaiser, A Kharatyan, R Dumitrescu
Proceedings of the Design Society 2, 1599-1608, 2022
Model checking of integratively designed product and production systems
S Japs, R Rasor, L Kaiser, R Dumitrescu
Tag des Systems Engineering, Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering, München, 2019
Framework for developing a cybersecurity concept according to ISO/SAE 21434 using model-based systems engineering
S Japs, 2024
Security for connected automated cars
F Kargl, J Koszescha, S Japs
Security for Connected Automated Cars (SecForCARs)
F Kargl, J Koszescha, S Japs
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Artikel 1–17