Priska Daphi
Priska Daphi
Professor of Conflict Sociology, Bielefeld University
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Die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in den Bundesländern und Kommunen. Behördliche Praxis und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement.
J Aumüller, P Daphi, C Biesenkamp
Protestforschung am Limit: eine soziologische Annäherung an Pegida
P Daphi, P Kocyba, M Neuber, J Roose, D Rucht, F Scholl, M Sommer, ...
Verein für Protest und Bewegungsforschung e. V., 2015
Conceptualizing culture in social movement research
B Baumgarten, P Daphi, P Ullrich
Springer, 2014
Exploring the movement-memory nexus: Insights and ways forward
P Daphi, L Zamponi
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 24 (4), 399-417, 2019
Becoming a Movement. Identity, Narrative and Memory in the European Global Justice Movement.
P Daphi
Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement für Flüchtlinge und lokale" Willkommenskultur"
P Daphi
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 66 (14-15), 2016
Breaks and continuities in and between cycles of protest. Memories and legacies of the global justice movement in the context of anti-austerity mobilisations
L Zamponi, P Daphi
Spreading protest: Social movements in times of crisis, 193-225, 2014
Social movements, cultural memory and digital media: Mobilising mediated remembrance
S Merrill, E Keightley, P Daphi
Springer Nature, 2020
Soziale Bewegungen und kollektive Identität: Forschungsstand und Forschungslücken
P Daphi
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 24 (4), 13-26, 2011
Protest and culture: Concepts and approaches in social movement research—An introduction
P Ullrich, P Daphi, B Baumgarten
Conceptualizing culture in social movement research, 1-20, 2014
Images of surveillance: The contested and embedded visual language of anti-surveillance protests
P Daphi, A Lê, P Ullrich
Advances in the visual analysis of social movements, 55-80, 2013
Taking to the streets in Germany–Disenchanted and confident critics in mass demonstrations
P Daphi, S Haunss, M Sommer, S Teune
German politics 32 (3), 440-468, 2023
“Imagine the streets”: The spatial dimension of protests' transformative effects and its role in building movement identity
P Daphi
Political Geography 56, 34-43, 2017
Occupy Frieden–Eine Befragung von Teilnehmer/innen der „Montagsmahnwachen für den Frieden “
P Daphi, D Rucht, W Stuppert, S Teune, P Ullrich
IPB Working papers, 2014
Introduction: The digital memory work practices of social movements
S Merrill, E Keightley, P Daphi
Social movements, cultural memory and digital media: Mobilising mediated …, 2020
The refugee reception crisis: Polarized opinions and mobilizations
M Ambrosini, A Van Hootegem, P Bevelander, P Daphi, E Diels, ...
Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2019
Bridges or divides? Conflicts and synergies of coalition building across countries and sectors in the Global Justice Movement
P Daphi, F Anderl, N Deitelhoff
Social Movement Studies 21 (1-2), 8-24, 2022
Keeping your enemies close? The variety of social movements’ reactions to international organizations’ opening up
F Anderl, P Daphi, N Deitelhoff
International Studies Review 23 (4), 1273-1299, 2021
# NoG20: Ergebnisse der Befragung von Demonstrierenden und der Beobachtung des Polizeieinsatzes
S Haunss, P Daphi, L Gauditz, P Knopp, M Micus, P Scharf, S Schmidt, ...
Collective identity across borders: Bridging local and transnational memories in the Italian and German global justice movements
P Daphi
Understanding European movements, 158-171, 2013
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